Lucy was running. Sting was over her shoulder, wrapped in a blanket, and being held tightly by his mother. Happy flew over them. They were running through the mountain range heading east.

Night had descended and the distant roars of a dragon had stopped; that only made the tears they all had cried return to their eyes; The Great Salamander had fallen.

"Happy!" Lucy ordered her voice cracking.

"Aye?" Happy asked with a shaky voice.

"Can you fly higher and see if we're being followed?" Lucy pleaded.

"Aye sir," Happy nodded gaining altitude.

Lucy continued running.

"Momma?" Sting asked wearily as he clung to her clothes, "Is daddy going to be alright?"

"Yes," Lucy lied holding Sting's head with one hand and continuing her trek. "Its okay, go to sleep."

Lucy doubted the boy could with the uneven terrain she was running over, but he was exhausted.

They ran for a few more minutes and Lucy looked up for any sign of Happy; there was none. She gritted her teeth and held Sting with one hand for a moment. She continued to run and reached into her pocket. She pulled out a key and held it out as she ran.

"Open gate of the twins, Gemini!" she whispered as she ran.

Suddenly there was another Lucy, wearing the same clothes running alongside her.

"How can we help?" the Lucy asked.

Lucy took the blanket off of sting and threw it to her other self.

"Take that and make it look like a child, then head north. If they catch you, I give you permission to close your gate, if not get to the house of Redfox and tell them that the Dragon King is coming!" Lucy instructed.

"No problem, Pidi, pidi!" the other Lucy nodded turning and doing so.

Lucy continued running and clutched her tired son.

"It's going to be okay," she muttered to Sting... but Sting was already sleeping.

'Happy, where are you?' she asked, although she already knew the answer.

A few moments later she barely dodged an attack that sent her flying. Sting awoke and cried out, Lucy shielded him with her body and slid in the dirt.

"So, the mate of the Fire Prince," her attacker laughed coldly walking up. He was a tall man with black hair and cold blue eyes.

"Momma," Sting whimpered. Lucy stood up holding Sting closely.

"What do you want?" Lucy spat.

"Your son is all we required, but unfortunately your mate already decided your fate," the man laughed walking up.

Lucy tensed and the man stopped.

"However if you surrender, I promise, I will vouch for you," the man grinned.

"I'd rather die," Lucy spat.

"It will be so," the man laughed. A sword materialized in his hand.

"Momma," Sting whimpered seeing the sword.

"CELESTAL DRAGON!" Lucy yelled, the man froze in horror, "ROAR!"

A golden beam of light streamed from her mouth and encased her attacker. The man grunted and when the light died away he slowly stood up.

"So..." the man sighed, "he gifted you with his blood."

Lucy squared him away and clutched her son.

The Tail of the Twin DragonsWhere stories live. Discover now