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(Me @ this book - *regrets much* I'm questioning a whole lot.

Me at the same time - FINISH IT, YOU COWARD!

Me internally - Why do I do this to myself?

Me externally - FINISH IT!!

Me: types this story and regrets nothing because GOSH DARNIT I'd rather type trash than type NOTHING!!

Hence, here we are. Enjoy. ❤❤)

Sting and Rogue pressed their backs against one another as they prepared their attacks. The soldiers seemed to keep coming and had broken the Fairy Tail fighters off into small groups, surrounding them as the fight continued.

"There's a lot of them and there are still more coming," Sting warned.

"I'm aware," Rogue hissed. "We need to end this fast before we're overrun!"

Sting's hands glowed as he brought his hands forward and fired thousands of small white beams at the surrounding foes. Rogue did something similar with his shadows.

There were many things Macbeth was expecting to happen that day - death was one of them. When Mess, his dragon hunter, let out a pained shriek he nearly lost it. Him dying was one thing but no one touched his pet. He flung himself at the soldier who had stabbed Mess and kicked the sword out of his foes hand. The sword flew into the air and Macbeth caught it before he stabbed the soldier's shoulder with it earning a scream from his foe and a splash of scarlet blood. Macbeth ripped the sword free and kicked the soldier away before whirling around and kneeling beside Mess.

The dragon hunter let out a whimper and licked it's pierced back leg which had thick scarlet blood gushing out of it.

"Shh," Macbeth soothed as he put his hand over the wound and looked around helplessly for someone who could help. Instead, he found himself staring at another dragon hunter, this one not on his side. The beast let out a growl as he rushed towards the traitorous soldier and Macbeth gritted his teeth, his thoughts only on Mess who was whimpering at his knees. The dragon hunter tackled him and bit into his shoulder, earning a scream from the man. Mess let out a yowl as she tried to get to her feet and defend her master.

Macbeth expected to die then and there. He expected Mess would shortly follow. In fact, he expected the rest of Fairy Tail and those twin dragons to die there too. 

 Having two young women, fly past him and completely decimate the dragon hunter and the soldiers surrounded it in a matter of moments wasn't something he expected - but that's what happened.

"Sky Sister's Attack!" the pink and blue-haired girls cried as wind splayed out from their hands and sent the soldiers flying backward. The blue-haired girl let out a growl as she kicked away the dragon hunter and sent the black beast tumbling away. The pink-haired girl looked back to Macbeth and smiled. Macbeth slowly sat back up, holding his injured shoulder. Mess let out a happy bark and limped over before collapsing at the man's knees and giving a small whimper once more.

"You good?" Chelia asked. Her eyes glanced down to the dragon hunter at Macbeth's knee and a look of confusion flashed in her eyes. "You're a dragon hunter trainer? So what... you're a traitor then?"

Macbeth slowly nodded and Mess let out a small whimper as she sensed another dragon slayer.

"Oh, poor thing," Wendy cried running up and kneeling next to the dragon hunter. She was surprisingly fearless.

The Tail of the Twin DragonsWhere stories live. Discover now