2 months later

"Then it seems we are in a similar predicament," Weisslogia nodded deep in his meditation. He was creating a mental link with his brother-in-arms; Skiadrum.

"And to make matters worse... it seems that The Dragon King will not give up," Skiadrum rumbled over the mental- link

"I've heard that he has every dragon hunter hunting these boys down."

"He has good reason to," Skiadrum growled, "They are descended from the greatest dragon lineage they could've asked for. They are dangerous if they were to be put in the wrong claws."

"But are we the right claws Skiadrum?"

"No. But perhaps combined we can do more for them."

Weisslogia looked up sharply and saw a blurry outline of Skiadrum in his mind, "We'd make ourselves a larger target."

"More eyes to watch for dangers," Skiadrum growled.

"Twice as many dangers to come!" Weisslogia retorted.

"Twice as many claws to defend with," Skiadrum answered coolly.

Weisslogia took a deep breath. "Where would we go?"

"As far away from him as we can get without crossing the seas." Skiadrum answered, "the lands over the sea are wild and unruly, we'd be in more danger there then we are here. Besides, there are plenty of places to stay here."

"I suppose you know a place."

"I always know a place."

"I hope the children will get along... if they are anything like their fathers I fear we will be in for trouble," Weisslogia sighed.

"Perhaps... but Rogue seems to be more like his mother."

"Then perhaps there is hope... pray to god they inherited their mother's people skills."

Luckily, Sting and Rogue did.

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