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Three days after it all went to hell:

The king was dead, slain by a daughter no one was aware he had. She claimed his bloodline and his death. The coup had miraculously succeeded.

The capital city was a mess, remnants of the many battles fought in its streets between loyalists and rebels. The fighting had quickly ended as soon as the strange female dragon had burst from the castle and roared victory to the sky sending dragon slayers and dragons alike cowering.

It took a day or so to calm everyone down and fill others in. A few dragons fled, fearing this new regime, or just simply seeing an opportunity to escape this land in the chaos. Other dragons and soldiers immediately surrendered, not daring to cross a dragon who killed the great king of the dragons.

There was still much to be done, but change had been enacted. The city was already starting to repair itself and some semblance of sanity had returned.

Wendy stood next to Romeo it what had been her father's throne room, her gaze hard as she looked at the chair.

Romeo gently bumped her shoulder in assurance and smiled, "You did it."

She smiled sadly, her gaze falling to the floor. "No... we did it."

Romeo nodded but before he could say anything, the door opened and their expected guests emerged.

"I am OBVIOUSLY faster!" Lector shouted.

"COME AT ME!" Happy argued back. Both cats were chasing each other around angrily, their fur standing on end.

Sting just barely avoided being barreled into Lector as Happy tried to tackle the red cat mid-air.

"Leave em' in one piece, Happy," Natsu laughed, walking in behind Sting.

"Come on you two!" Lucy scolded, snatching both cats by their tails and pulling them out of the air. She gave them both a dangerous look, "Let's act a little dignified, alright?"

"AYE MA'AM!" both cats cried fearfully. Happy flew right into Natsu's hair and cowered in his mess of salmon hair while Lector fled to Sting's arms.

"Stiiing, your Mom is scaaary~" Lector whined.

Sting laughed and looked warmly to his Mother who grinned back.

"Fro thinks Lucy is very nice!" the familiar voice of Frosch chirped from behind them. Behind the Dragneels came the Redfox's. Frosch was securely in Rogue's arms and Gajeel was sticking next to his son like glue and had been grinning like an idiot for three days straight (Levy was getting concerned in all honesty). The bluenette was in the back, holding a very content looking small Pantherlily in her arms who was purring as she scratched his ears.

"Thank you, Frosch," Lucy smiled at the cat.

"You're welcome!" Frosch laughed.

"Can we stop clogging the doorway!?" an annoyed voice sounded out from behind them.

"Oh, shove it, snake boy!" Gajeel yelled back behind them to where Erik, Laxus, Mira, Mineva, and Sherria stood.

"You know, you've only been back to life for three days and I already want to split your skull," Erik growled, a tick mark on his head as he glared at Gajeel.

"Ah, he's just grumpy because he's impatient to go see Kinana," Mira smiled sweetly.

Erik grumbled something and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"She'll be here in what, a day or so, then she doesn't have to give birth to a kid in the middle of a godforsaken swamp," Laxus chucked.

Erik looked like he wanted to argue but decided against it and kept his mouth shut.

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