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Minerva slowly awoke. She sat up quickly and looked around fearfully.

"Do not worry Milady," Doranbolt soothed quickly coming to her side.

"Doranbolt?" Minerva questioned looked around. She was confused and rather frazzled.

"Yes Milady," Doranbolt nodded, "It is alright, you are safe here."

"Where are we?" she asked moving to stand.

"Orga's house," Doranbolt answered.

"What?" Minerva asked not sure she had heard right. "But what happened to - "

"Well," Doranbolt began slowly, he seemed nervous and was rather frightened.

"No," Minerva realized quickly standing up and looking down at Doranbolt, "You didn't."

"We did," another voice interjected. Minerva looked up and saw Rufus in the doorway. 

"This is... we are traitors to the Dragon King!" Minerva cried taking a few steps back and putting her hand to her mouth, "My father will - "

"Your father is dead," Orga stated walking into the room. Minerva looked up shocked.

"We're sorry Milady, we couldn't save him," Doranbolt admitted sadly.

"Y-you saved me..." Minerva trembled. Her father was dead, his cruel nature had made everyone hate him, even his daughter. She wasn't sad that her father was dead, but she was trying to understand why she was still alive.

"We couldn't let them take you," Doranbolt stated.

"Why? I've never been kind to any of you... you have no reason to care for me," Minerva said slowly backing away.

"To be honest, I did it for a personal reason," Rufus stated. The brim of his hat hid his eyes and his hands were clenched behind his back. "I remember...." he began, "I remember when they took my eldest brother away, I was unable to do anything."

"We've all lost someone to those monsters Milady," Doranbolt nodded.

"We just never thought we'd be able to do anything... until those two dragon slayers," Orga nodded.

"They were..." Rufus recalled.

"Fearless," Doranbolt finished.

"I remember the look in their eyes," Rufus stated, "there was no fear in them... no fear even though they stood against those monsters... even though the sound of their last names is enough to be killed on sight."

"If two brats like that can do it, the hell can't we?" Orga asked.

"So... so you saved me because - " Minerva asked not believing it.

"Milady," Doranbolt stated, "your father is dead, all the other members fled. We are all that is left of Sabertooth, you are the only one who can lead us."

"Lead you?" Minerva gawked.

"Sabertooth isn't a fighting guild anymore," Rufus stated, "We will no longer fight for his majesty's pleasure, we will fight against his reign. We've all hated that king since we were born, now we simply have the bravery to do something."

"What do you say Milady... will you help us?" Doranbolt asked.

"What you're talking about is treason!" Minerva cried, her voice cracked and she looked at her feet. She had nowhere to go, her mere existence was a crime.

"Milady," Orga scoffed, "we're already traitors."

Minerva slowly sat down onto the bed and took in a deep breath. 

"What are your orders Milady?" Doranbolt asked.

Minerva looked at the three men that she now owed her life to - they were right. She sighed and answered, "We find the Dragneel and Redfox, we offer our loyalty, they are our best bet at pulling off a revolution."

The men all smiled.

"Something tells me those boys won't be hard to find," Rufus stated, "They are hard to forget."

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