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(Not my art! I don't draw! I just write!!!)

As time wore on, Sting and Rogue mentally prepared themselves for this whole 'turning themselves in' situation in order to be a distraction... which was still a stupid plan in their mind but everyone else seemed to think it was brilliant.

So they did what they did best - trained. Trained and ate and trained some more (or in Rogue's case - read everything in record time).

So, the night before the plan went into action - the night before the Dragon King Festival, it came as little surprise to anyone that Sting and Rogue were at it again.

"Should we stop em'?" Orga asked as Rogue send Sting flying.

"Probably," Dobengal nodded, making no move to do so.

"Sting-kun's really stressed out, I don't know what to do," Lector whined from his perch in Orga's hair.

"Ah, don't worry little buddy, nothing's gonna happen to them," Orga assured the red cat.

Then, Frosch ran up grinning as the adorable green cat came up to the two mages.

"It's dinner time!" the cat smiled happily. Frosch then looked to Sting and Rogue, who were still engaged in training combat.

"Someone should go break the two up and tell em' it's dinner time," Orga sighed.

Dobengal looked at the two and shrugged. "Not it."

"Not it!" Lector said quickly.

Frosch only giggled.

"STING! ROGUE!" Yukino and Minerva yelled striding up. 

The boys froze.

"It's dinner time," Yukino beckoned.

"You'll need to calm down and get a good night's sleep in preparation for tomorrow," Minerva ordered.

"I'm risking death Minerva, I'm not taking a bloody spelling test," Rogue huffed.

"FOOOOD!" Sting grinned, racing for the bonfire in the center of camp where dinner was being served.

The group navigated to the tables where rebels were serving food and with heaping plates they all found a nice spot on the grass to sit down and eat.

Sting chowed down like there was no tomorrow while Rogue pushed the food around his plate with his utensils.

"You nervous?" Orga asked.

"If I recall... tomorrow is the big day," Rufus murmured, taking a sip of water.

"It is," Rogue concurred.

"Can I go to jail with Rogue?" Frosch pleaded, laying his head on Rogue's leg and looking up at Rogue with big eyes.

Rogue smiled and rubbed the exceed's head. "Not tomorrow, Frosch."

"But you're gonna be really lonely in jail!" Frosch objected.

"We're not going to jail," Sting explained simply, between bites.

"We're going to meet the big scary dragon and he's gonna put us in a show," Rogue explained softly.

"Like a play? Will you dress up?" Frosch asked, tilting his head. The group all chuckled darkly at Frosch's innocence.

"No," Rogue chuckled. "It's like... it's like a scary show. But before anything bad can happen to me or Sting, our friends are going to jump in and rescue us."

Frosch tilted his head, puzzled. "I'm your friend... so I'll jump in a rescue you, right?"

Rogue grinned, "Well I hope so!"

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