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Kagura led the two dragon slayers through the woods, glancing back at them constantly, waiting for one of them to prove that what she was doing was a stupid idea.

Kagura hated dragon slayers, she hated everything about them. But she hated Acnologia more. If the two dragon slayers behind her were indeed against Acnologia, then it was Kagura's duty to assist them.

"So... um, Kagura," Sting began looking around, "What chy'a doing living out here?"

"We like the outdoors, and we don't much care for people," Kagura answered coldly.

Sting looked at Rogue and mouthed the word 'edgy'. Rogue smacked him upside the head.

"There it is," Kagura announced looking down the trail. A bit of aways away sat a wooden house with a garden full of roses and rosemary plants. The group walked up to the house but Kagura stopped them shortly.

"May parents will not be thrilled at the idea of lizards in their home, wait here while I explain it to them," Kagura ordered.

"Lizards!" Sting choked, "NOW WAIT A MINUTE!"

"Shut up," Rogue growled slapping Sting again.


Kagura went to open the door but it flew open before the purple-haired girl could even touch the handle. Standing in the doorway was a tall and fearsome blue-haired man with a red tattoo down his face.

"Father," Kagura greeted.

"Kagura," Jellal said looking beyond her at the dragon slayers. He looked ready to attack but Kagura acted first.

"It's alright, they're rebels," Kagura stated simply.

Jellal didn't seem to believe it, he glanced at his daughter, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, and I'm telling the truth," Kagura scowled striding past her father coldly.

Jellal glared at the dragon slayers but followed his daughter inside, leaving the door open. The two dragon slayers heard hushed voices that sounded slightly strained.

"Okay, I vote we don't enter the house with the crazy woman and her scary father," Sting voiced.

"Just... come on," Rogue sighed.

"If we're murdered, I'm blaming you," Sting stated.

The two entered the house and glanced around. There was no immediate danger other than the strange assortment of weapons that were everywhere. Axes, hammers, swords, shields, spears, name it and the weapon was there, hanging on the wall, lying on the floor, or propped up on something.

"A family with an unhealthy fascination for sharp things, yeah, no way this could go wrong," Sting murmured.

Rogue sighed in exasperation.

"Look, you're usually the voice of reason but since you're not doing your job I have to step up to the plate!" Sting defended with a hiss.

The two turned a corner and came face to face with a fearsome scarlet haired woman with a sword outstretched, pointing for their chests.

"WHOA! SHARP THING!" Sting cried throwing his hands up. Rogue tensed.

Kagura and Jellal stood behind Erza and watched the scarlet haired woman as she glared at the dragon slayers.

"Are you truly with the rebellion?" Erza asked simply.

"Uh - well not yet, although we'd like to be," Sting laughed nervously, "Please don't stab us."

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