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They worked at a bar for a month and earned a small amount of money, known as jewels. It ended promptly when Sting tackled their boss after the man kicked Lector and called him a "mangy cat".

They then once again began their trek heading for Magnolia in hope that they would find records pertaining to the location of their parent's old allies. They weren't as wary of towns and walked through them confidently knowing that no one would recognize them.

"Man, the food is pretty cheap here, so is the hotel, maybe we could stay at one?" Lector asked hopefully.

"Sorry Lector, but any money we make is for emergencies only; we can catch our own food and make our own beds," Sting answered.

"Maybe we could stop in a bar....see if there is any talk dragon hunters in the area," Rogue suggested. They would usually do so to avoid their enemies.

"You mean like that one," Sting said gesturing to an old bar across the street. It was old and falling apart but there was obviously life in side.

"Sure," Lector said "Looks fun."

"No more picking fights Sting," Rogue warned.

"It wasn't my fault last time, that guy was asking for it!" Sting defended, Rogue rolled his eyes.

The opened the door and looked at the scene, it was typical. There were drunken men and women at tables and a few arm wrestling matches and drink contests going on here and there , nothing out of the ordinary.

"Why hello, what will it be for you two?" the bartender asked Rogue and Sting.

"Uh, two meals, two waters, and... " Rogue looked down at Frosch... "You know what, just two raw fish."

"I'm sorry?" the bartender asked.

"Fish raw, you know the type that swims and has scales – "Sting asked.

"...Okay then," the bartender said rolling his eyes.

Rogue and Sting sat down.

"Why did you only order for the cats?" Sting asked.

"You and I were never good at fishing, but we can hunt and cook for ourselves... besides... it's all we can afford," Rogue said that last part in a whisper.

"WE'RE THAT BROKE!" Sting gasped, Rogue hissed at him to quiet down and they hunkered down in a whisper.

"It's a complete miracle we got any money," Rogue sighed giving Sting a glare.

"Also not my fault," Sting defended.

"Sure," Rogue chuckled.

"What are we gonna do?" Sting asked. The bartender came with the fish, handed it to them, and then quickly walked away. Sting threw one to Lector while Rogue gently handed his fish to Frosch.

"I don't know... "Rogue sighed.

Then a poster nailed to a job board caught Sting's eye.

"How about we take a job?" Sting asked.

"I'm sorry... what?!" Rogue hissed.

"Take a job, earn some money, we could totally beat up some criminals or.....capture an escaped convict!" Sting said slyly at the last part.

"What are you talking about?" Rogue asked.

Sting gestured with his head to the wanted poster. Rogue glanced at it.

"No Sting, we are dragon slayers, we'd be noticed if we fought, putting us in danger, and besides, we fight only when we must because we are supposed to be the sons of dignified princes and lords. What would Weisslogia say if he  - " then he did a double take and looked at the reward. "10 trillion!" Rogue choked. He looked to Sting and they raced out with the poster.

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