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Sabertooth sat in shock. The shock continued for a day, and then the shock turned to horror. Half of the guild fled within twenty-four hours leaving the rest of them to wonder if they should do the same. Two days after the incident, three of the Dragon King's messengers arrived at their doorstep.

One had black hair with tips died silver, it hung down to her hips and swayed when she walked. Her grey eyes were full of intelligence and danger and sat behind a pair of glasses. She wore a grey collared light coat over a dark green shirt and matching grey pants over high heeled black boots. A blue pin with a black dragon insignia was pinned to her coat.

Another, a man, had thin brown hair that hung around his face and concealed his orange eyes that looked around cautiously. He wore simple jeans and a black T-Shirt with roughed up red sneakers. He too had a blue pin with a black dragon insignia.

The last was another woman. Everything about her was red, her hair was wild and red, cut short it displayed itself like a lions mane around her head. Her eyes were a dark red and they watched everything hungrily. Her lips were red with a deep lipstick. What wasn't red was black, her dress her leggings, her combat boots. She was a fearsome sight.

They looked over the terrified Sabertooth guild. Without any fear, they approached Jiemma.

"We have had word that two dragon slayers attacked this place two days ago," the black-haired one announced.

"Please - "Minerva began.

"Silence," the woman dismissed her. "These two men are wanted criminals by the state."

The guild was shocked. The looked to each other and gawked.

"Criminals, but they were dragon sl-" Minerva began.

"Renegade Dragon Slayers," the woman interrupted once more, "From the houses of Dragneel and Redfox."

An even greater silence met her. The Dragneel and Redfox house.

"Those guys are legends," one member hissed.

"And we met them," the other gawked.

Minerva looked at the floor in shock. Not only had they had a run-in with two dragon slayers, but they had faced the decedents of two great Dragon Bloodlines.

"Their families have been wanted for years now for attempted rebellions against the king," the woman explained.

The redhead looked around hungrily and began creeping towards a stained portion of the flooring.

"The two you speak of attacked without warning," Jiemma explained, "We were taken by surprise."

"Of course," the woman nodded not sounding convinced.

"We are Sabertooth, the greatest fighting guild in the land! We've given you thousands of sporting events in the Colosseum!"Jiemma commanded.

"Your guild has indeed been most entertaining," the woman nodded dismissing him and looking around.

"I wouldn't say the best fighting guild, you're just the loudest about your victories," the man to her side stated.

Jiemma rose up to his full height, "There is none more powerful then Sabertooth."

"Which explains why two renegade dragon slayers were able to mop the floor with you?" the man asked raising an eyebrow.

Jiemma trembled in rage.

"Calm down," the woman ordered coming between the two.

"You come into my guild, demand that we obey your rules, and then - "Jiemma snarled.

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