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Upon the arrival of this "Zeref", everyone migrated to the largest tent in the valley, Sting and Invel were near the back. Rogue was further in the middle, holding Frosch in his arms as he looked around at the group of people.

"Alright, quiet down everyone!!" a voice shouted over the murmuring crowd.

The murmurs didn't still.

"THE GIRL SAID SHUT UPPPP!!!!!" a harsh voice shouted. The crowd all jumped allowing Sting to spy an unusual group of people.

At the head of the group was a dark-eyed man dressed in a black robe and to his side was a sharply contrasting woman in a white robe with large green eyes and a sweet smile. Around the two was a collection of strange creatures. The one who had yelled looked like some were-beast with yellow ears peeking out from his blonde hair and a fluffy tail that was twitching as he glared at the crowd. The creature behind him was a behemoth fish-thing who had his arms crossed. There was a good-looking dark-skinned man with blonde hair who stood composed as he watched everything. There was a girl entranced with a book, another woman wearing a metal-owl-ish mask and long talons who wore a sick smile, and a bunch of other random creatures. Finally, Rogue spied a small fairy that was perched on the blonde girl's shoulder.

"Who are they?" Sting asked Invel. Invel scoffed.

"That's Lord Zeref, the greatest wizard alive," Invel explained, a hint of reverence in his voice.

Sting scoffed. "So what, you just forgot that Acnologia existed?"

Invel shot him a glare.

"Who are the goons around him?" Sting asked.

Invel was tempted to punch him for that comment. "The were-cat over there is Jackal. The sea-monster is Torafuzar. The Harpy is Kyoka. The elemental is Tempester. The necromancer is - "

"You know what, too much information. I lost you," Sting dismissed.

Invel glared at him. "They're monsters from distant lands, don't make eye contact and don't fight them."

"Sounds like a challenge," Sting grinned.

"Sting-kun... don't," Lector warned.

"Alright, now that everyone's paying attention, let's get to work!" Chelia announced, standing on a table and looking over the crowd.

Everyone looked at her expectantly.

"As you all know, we've dialed down our attacks and have tried not to be a huge pain in Acnologia's side," Chelia explained waving her arms, sounding annoyed.

There was an angry murmur.

"BUT!" Chelia grinned. "That's because we're about to pull off the STUPIDEST STUNT WE'VE EVER DONE!!"

There was a hearty yell with that one.

"Our good friends from across the sea have shown up," Chelia smiled, gesturing to Mavis and Zeref.

Mavis waved cheerfully at the group while Zeref stood there, glaring.

"They brought news, and most importantly, a plan," Chelia explained broadly, walking on the table as she looked out over the crowd.

"What is this 'plan', dare I ask?" Gray yelled from the side.

"I was getting there," Chelia smiled, slightly irked.

"As you all know," Wendy announced, walking forward and looking to everyone. "The Dragon King Festival is in one month."

There was a large 'boo' at that announcement.

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