Acnologia was growing impatient.

"Where is your son?" Acnologia demanded again. He opened his palm and the Iron Dragon Slayer collapsed on the floor. His skin felt like it was on fire, everything stung and burned. The Dragon King watched him mercilessly and demanded it again, Gajeel said nothing but gritted his teeth and bore it.

"I told you, my memory was wiped!" Levy screamed desperately, she was being held back by two guards and looked on the verge of tears.

Gajeel chuckled inwardly, that girl had always been a smart one.

Acnologia got up from his throne and walked up toe Gajeel staring the man down. Gajeel, shaking in pain, looked up and let out a small smirk.

"I always took you as a smart one Mcgarden, so I highly doubt that you have no clue as to his location. I do believe that you were able to hide it from me, but that you don't know... I can't believe that."

"Please!" Levy cried struggling again, "It's the truth!"

Acnologia raised his hands again and suddenly Gajeel felt like the gravity around him had increased and he was pinned to the ground.

Gajeel had been held prisoner for a year, Acnologia hadn't even bothered to question him, but when Levy arrived, Gajeel had been yanked from his prison cell and brought before the Dragon King who now was trying to pry the information out of Levy using Gajeel as his motivation.

"You are going to tell me," Acnologia growled, the hand above Gajeel began to glow and Gajeel gritted his teeth, "Or your mate is going to die in a very painful way."

"I DON'T KNOW!" levy screamed.

"That's very unfortunate," Acnologia smiled mercilessly.

Gajeel's being exploded in pain. He shook as it ripped through him seemingly ripping his atoms apart. He screamed unable to hold it in. Levy ripped away from the guards and collapsed between Acnologia and Gajeel. She put a hand on Gajeel and held the other up towards Acnologia trying to come between the two.

"Please, please I don't know," Levy sobbed tears streaming down her face. Gajeel stopped screaming as the pain stopped and he panted and tried to get up; he failed. "Please spare him," Levy pleaded.

Acnologia growled as he looked into her eyes.

"Take the two away, throw them in with the rest," Acnologia growled walking away, "They know nothing."

"But... but master!" one dragon hunter objected.

Acnologia turned quickly and looked to the one who had spoken aloud, "come with me," he ordered the guard. The Dragon Hunter's face paled and slowly followed. His two comrades grabbed Levy and Gajeel and hauled them away.

The guard shook as he stood besides the Dragon King.

"Do you think I was flawed in my judgement?" Acnologia asked in a low voice. They both looked out a window over the green hills that stood outside the castle walls.

"No... no sir," the guard spoke fearfully, his words catching in his throat.

"Not even slightly?" Acnologia asked his voice suddenly soft.

The guard was taken by surprise, "Well-well if you don't mind me asking... why did you let them go that easily?"

Acnologia inhaled and closed his eyes, "Because I saw someone in that woman that I lost long ago. Perhaps it was her brown eyes... but either way... that entire scenario was familiar."

"Are you talking about the late queen?" the guard asked delicately.

"I am," Acnologia nodded opening his eyes. "The Iron Lord's hairstyle... the Mcgarden's eyes... it was like looking into a twisted mirror. But when my mate stood between me and my king, she told the truth and so if I go by experience, I know the Mcgarden isn't lying."

"I understand sir," the guard said skirting around carefully for he knew he was walking on think ice.

"Good," Acnologia sighed.

The guard was relieved. The Dragon King was speaking to him almost as an equal... perhaps his moment of insurrection had proved something to Acnologia.

"When you spoke up... I realized something about you Strasiyo," Acnologia stated.

The guard's eyes widened, The Dragon King knew him by name.

"You are an independent thinker... you question things, you aren't too afraid of voicing your opinion... Things I can appreciate - " Acnologia said without emotion.

"Th-Thank you sir," Strasiyo said bowing.

"But not in my subordinates," Acnologia finished. Strasiyo had a moment to process it, then without hesitation he got on his hands and knees and began to beg.

"I meant nothing by it!" he cried touching his nose to the floor, "I'm sorry, I - "

Acnologia's hand rose, it glowed a soft neon blue and the guard let out a small cry before he was gone. In his place was a scorch mark on the ground, Acnologia looked down on it without pity and walked away.

He had lost two dragon firstborns... that infuriated him. However, he possessed the parents and sooner or later the hatchlings would come... it would only be a matter of time.

I trained. I trained to surpass my parents and surpass the dragon king so that one day I may be able to avenge the thousands of lives he ruined. We trained to surpass him.

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