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A few confusing conversations, a brief explanation from Loke, and a happy reunion with the blue cat that Sting didn't really remember (a fact that made Happy cry for a few minutes), the two found themselves being led through the city.

"It's just a bit further!" Happy assured the two as he scampered down the streets.

Sting walked as if in a daze, something Rogue noticed.

"Lucy Heartfilia is alive," Loke's words had affirmed the small hopeless dream of a boy who had all but given up on any idea that his parents were alive. Sting wasn't sure whether to be elated or fearful. If his mother was alive, what state was she in? Had she been imprisoned all these years? Tortured? Would she even recognize him? 

"I can't tell what state she's in or why we can't reach her, but all of our senses to her are fuzzy. She was a good master so all of her spirits have tried to understand what happened to her. All we know is that she's alive, so our contracts still remain."

"I knew it! I knew it!" Happy laughed as he pranced around a corner and into the door of a small corner shop.

Rogue led the way, gently pushing the door open to follow the strange blue cat they'd only met a few moments ago. The whole experience had been rather strange and Rogue was trying to stay composed even though thousands of questions rammed in his head, most questioned the legitimateness and trustworthiness of the two sources they had just met, one who was a celestial spirit, and one who was a talking, flying, blue cat. The loudest question, however, was also the most selfish: Was it only Lucy Heartfilia who was alive? 

"Lily!" Happy called, running around the shop. "LILY!"

The shop was a dusty, abandoned bit of building with remnants of old use everywhere the two dragon slayers looked. Cobwebs decorated the corners and abandoned shelves sat dusty and unused. An old fishbone was strewn on the floor, based on the cobwebs in between the bones, it was an old meal.

"What?" a gruff voice demanded and the door in the back was thrown open. A black cat walked into the store, a sword strapped to his back - right when it seemed that Rogue and Sting had seen everything, life handed them a cat with a sword.

"Lily! I found them! They're alive!" Happy was practically shrieking in happiness as he grabbed the cat by his wrist and dragged him up to Rogue.

"What are you talking about..." Lily demanded before his voice died off, he stood still in his place as he gazed up at Rogue.

In a puff of smoke, the cat suddenly transformed into a huge humanoid cat who grabbed Rogue's shoulders, staring into the boy's eyes. Rogue immediately ripped away, cautious and fearful.

"Who are you?" Rogue demanded with a hiss.

Lily was looking at him like he was some ghost.

"Ryos," the cat breathed.

Suddenly the world around Rogue melted around him as his old name came back to him. That name he had given up so long ago. He'd remember it some nights, a name that only his mother would call him, a smile on her face as she told him stories that faded into memory.

"How do you know who I am?" Rogue demanded.

"Cause he's Pantherlily!" Happy chirped, flying up and perching on one of the old shelves.

"So it is you," Lily nodded. "You look so much like him."

"Him?" Rogue questioned.

Pantherlily suddenly went down on one knee and bowed to the man. "I was Gajeel Redfox's right hand. I pledged loyalty to him and in his kindness he treated me like a friend... perhaps even a brother. I'm loyal to his family..."

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