It had been a year. Levy, Ryos, and Skiadrum had enjoyed one another's company. Ryos had grown fond of the shadow dragon but Levy's eyes always strayed to the horizon, her thoughts on a very different dragon. Ryos was six now and very curious about magic and its uses. Levy however couldn't look at him without seeing Gajeel. She told him stories every night about his father hoping that he'd never forget the man whom she loved.

One day, when Rogue was out near a stream in Skiadrum's hidden territory, Levy and Skiadrum began to speak seriously.

"They came back today," Skiadrum growled sitting and looking over the forest.

"They're hunting," Levy murmured happy that Skiadrum's enchantments hid the beasts screeches from Ryos's ears.

"But what?" Skiadrum pondered, "This enchantment should hide your scent."

"Not if they already have it... one of them tore a slip of my dress," Levy recalled, "Perhaps they've traced that faded scent here once again."

"So then... perhaps we just wait until they give up," Skiadrum offered his offer empty.

Levy hugged her knees and thought a moment, "But if they don't... and they instead come back day after day the Dragon Hunters are bound to figure it out eventually."

"Then they shall regret it," Skiadrum growled making the ground quake in his anger.

"No," Levy bit standing up, "I can't endanger you like that... and I can't do that to Ryos..."

"What are you proposing?" Skiadrum asked.

"...If I were to surrender myself... allow them to catch me, then they wouldn't be able to hunt down Ryos anymore. They'd have no scent to track... nothing. I'm the only tie to him that they can track."

"Perhaps you didn't hear yourself... they would catch you." 

"Yes," Levy nodded, "But they wouldn't kill me... they'd want to question me-"

"And you think you could last!?" Skiadrum laughed coldly, "He breaks even the most steadfast of dragons."

Levy pondered something for a few moments, "But could you erase my memories, or input false ones. If you can make an enchantment of this caliber I'm sure you could figure it out."

Skiadrum's tail flicked nervously, "I suppose I could."

"Then do so," Levy ordered standing up, "I am part of the Redfox family and there is only one universal thing about this family, we give up everything for each other. If this is what it takes to save Ryos I won't hesitate. I've lost my home, and my mate... my son is all I have to live for."

"But you would leave him with me?" Skiadrum challenged, "You know me... I'm not fit to raise a child."

"Perhaps not... but I trust you. You saved my son and I once, now I only ask that you save my son," Levy said firmly.

Skiadrum sighed, "I swore loyalty... so I am bound to your family, but please... reconsider-"

"I'm sorry to do this," Levy gritted, "Skiadrum, as a member of the Redfox family I command it of you. Erase my memories of this place and of you, then raise my son as a dragon slayer that may one day stand up against the monster that hunts him."

Skiadrum slowly bowed his head to Levy, "As you wish... Mrs. Redfox, but know I do so with a heavy heart."

"And that is why I trust you," Levy nodded, "Now do it."

Ryos returned and found Skiadrum, but not his mother. It took him a moment to understand it.

Skiadrum wrapped a wing around the sobbing child but said nothing, for what was one to say to a child who had lost everything.

Ryos grabbed the wing and held it.

"Skiadrum," the young boy cried his lip trembling.

"Yes?" the dragon asked looking down.

"Teach me," the boy ordered his voice shaking.

"Teach you?" Skiadrum repeated curiously.

"Teach me how to be strong..." the boy cried, "I don't want to lose anyone anymore!"

Skiadrum growled and looked to the sky.

This was what the Dragon King did. He tore people apart, ripped them to shreds and then left them and those who loved them to suffer. He made six-year-old boys plead on their knees for power; what else could they ask for.

Ryos had known almost nothing save he lost his father and his mother left him. The only thing that made sense to him was that he was afraid and if you were strong, you wouldn't be afraid. If he was strong his parents wouldn't have left and so Rogue begged Skiadrum to teach him, to teach him so he would stop losing those he loved.

And Skiadrum had no choice but to agree.

"I will make you strong," Skiadrum nodded looking down to the child. "Strong enough to avenge that which you've lost. But you must do something first."

"What?" Ryos demanded.

"I cannot call you that which your parents called you... because I am not you father; to do so would be to replace them. I am your teacher, not your parent."

"So... I need a new name?" Rogue questioned his tears thinning.

"Names are the most powerful thing in the universe," Skiadrum explained bringing his head down to look at the boy, "And they are not to be used lightly. The name Ryos knows of a father and a mother... the name Ryos knows of happiness and joy; I don't want you to fight for happiness and joy. I want you to fight as someone who knows pain and suffering, I want you to fight for a mother and father that you've lost. If you change your name, you change who you are, do you understand?"

Rogue shook his head 'no'. Skiadrum sighed.

"Ryos, that name now means a boy whose lost it all. I don't want you to try and get all that you've lost back, it won't happen. I want you to be someone who can fight with enough anger to avenge what you have lost. Does that make more sense?"

"So... A new name will help me be stronger?" Ryos asked.

"In a way," Skiadrum concurred.

"What should it be?" Ryos asked.

"That is for you to find out. All I know is that whatever you choose, it is what The Dragon King will know you as... your new name will be the name of the man who brings down The Black Dragon."

Ryos thought for a moment, he was too caught up in his thoughts to cry any more.

"Mom said that Pappa was always a rogue... that he'd right alone..." Rogue pondered aloud.

"Oh?" Skiadrum chuckled.

"Then that's my name!" Ryos announced determined.

Skiadrum was caught off guard. "What?"

"I'll be Rogue! I'll be a rogue just as my father was!" Ryos cried standing up. The man was a distant memory to him but he clung to the idea of his father like a lifeline.

"Rogue," Skiadrum considered. He let out a small grin and looked down at the boy, "So be it."

I was always hurt that I was never able to tell my mother goodbye, but I suppose that I was able to say many more hello's and goodbyes to my mother then some children. I can cling to my mother's memories and her stories and from there I can piece together my father. That way, I can have a part of them with me... even if its just a shadow and a laugh.

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