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"So... Uncle..." Sting started off awkwardly as he and Zeref walked about the camp. Rogue had quickly ducked out after sensing the awkwardness of the situation and went to go find Frosch and finish his book before this 'suicide mission'.

"Please, Zeref is fine," Zeref dismissed cooly.

"Okay... Zeref," Sting sighed, rubbing the back of his head. "I... um... I didn't know my dad had a brother."

"Yes, he had two actually," Zeref shrugged nonchalantly.

"Ah," Sting nodded fiercely, trying to figure out how to lighten the awkwardness.

"Natsu was actually the youngest," Zeref continued, his voice never changing in tone. "Ingia was the eldest. He was from Igneel's first mate."

"First mate?" Sting asked.

"Yes, he had two. His first died giving birth to Ignia. My mother was a human and she gave birth to Natsu and I," Zeref dismissed with a wave of his hand.

Sting racked his brain trying to remember why the name Ignia was familiar. "Isn't that the kid who... didn't he try to..."

"He tried to kill Igneel and usurp him," Zeref answered as if that was an obvious fact. "An act he died for."

"Oh... I'm sorry?" Sting grimaced.

"Don't be, I hated him," Zeref shrugged.

"Oh..." Sting peeped.

They continued walking. Sting still wasn't sure why this man wanted to talk to him because he sure as heck wasn't talking.

"So... um... if Dad was the youngest, why weren't you... the..." Sting questioned, his voice dying off nervously.

"King of the Fire Dragons?" Zeref finished. "Because I gained mother's genes and therefore have no dragon blood in me. Once I found that out I rejected my birthright and instead saught to become a mage. I left home when Natsu was six and I haven't seen him since."

Sting choked. Well, that was straight forward!

"Wh-you-wait. You haven't seen my Dad since he was a child?" Sting asked incredulously.

"No," Zeref said darkly. He looked over to Sting, there was something sad in his eyes. "Understand that I am your 'Uncle' only in title. I was not a brother to Natsu nor was I a son to Igneel. Natsu and I... we were strangers at best," Zeref murmured, his tone became full of self-loathing.

Sting wasn't sure what to say to that. Zeref looked ahead again, composed. "I founded a kingdom, became a king in my own right. Found love, had a son, all the while ignorant to the trials that befell back home."

Sting looked up at the man and remained silent, listening.

"I received the news that Ignia was dead and saw no reason to be concerned," Zeref explained. "A while later I learned that Father and Mother were dead and that Natsu was the king of the fire dragons, I heard he too had found love and also had a son... And then he too was dead."

Zeref stopped dead, staring straight ahead, his eyes now full of anger.

"I suppose that's when I realized that my entire family was dead," Zeref spoke distantly. "I hadn't spoken to them in years, I hardly knew them anymore, but it was the principle..."

"That... must've been rough," Sting grimaced

Zeref scoffed. "I was angry more than anything, mostly at myself. I left my kingdom and met Acnologia in person."

Sting choked on his own spit, "You... you what?"

"I met Acnologia under 'diplomatic circumstances' intent on avenging my family," Zeref explained.

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