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Rogue didn't save Sting.

Well... he didn't have to. Although, he was pissed when the noise from above got too loud for him to even focus on research. So, the Shadow Dragon grabbed a few books, trudged up the stairs muttering some colorful curse words, and kicked the door to the guild open.

"Could you be quiet for THREE MINUTES!?" Rogue demanded. The guild froze.

Sting was in a headlock, a tall, burly man who Rogue recognized as Laxus held him there. Laxus looked like he had just been run over by a freight train. Yukino and Libra both froze and looked to Rogue. The rest of the guild, who had also been in a brawl, looked to him.

"I'm TRYING to READ!" Rogue cried shaking the books he was holding as he glared at everyone.

"That your brother?" Laxus asked Sting.

"Yup," Sting wheezed trying to escape the headlock.

"Figured," Laxus nodded.

"Don't CHANGE THE SUBJECT!" Yukino ordered utilizing Libra who manipulated gravity and sent the two men to crash into the roof. The brawl around the guild resumed.

"This is going much better than I expected," Mira murmured. She was to Rogue's side and was giggling as she watched it all, acting as if the rest of the fighting around her wasn't happening.

"Better than expected?" Rogue questioned, still peeved over the lack of silence.

"Oh yes," Mira nodded, "The soldiers haven't shown up yet."

At her words, there was knocking on the door.

"Oh dear," Mira sighed.

"YOU JINXED IT MIRA! WHY DO YOU DO THAT!?" someone called from across the guild before being hit point-blank with a table.

The door was thrown open revealing a few of Acnologia's guards. Rogue practically flew so that he could hide under a table, dropping his books as he did. Sting... meanwhile... was still stuck on the roof with Laxus thanks to Libra's gravity. The rest of the guild froze.

"Three accounts of excessive noise and five accounts of civil disturbance," the lead soldier rattled off striding into the guild and handing Mira a clipboard. "How many times are we required to warn you!?"

"We're very sorry, things got a wee bit out of hand," Mira smiled innocently as she took the clipboard and began signing something. She handed the clipboard back to the soldier.

"Oh, a 'wee bit'?" the soldier retorted with a scoff before turning on his heel. "If I had time to deal with you, rest assured each and every one of you would be facing some charge of disturbance, but luckily for you I'm preoccupied!"

"Thanks," Laxus spat from the ceiling.

"You're welcome!" the soldier yelled back up. His eyes then rested on Sting. "Who the hell is that?" 

"A new member," Mira explained sweetly.

The soldier sighed and flipped up his metal mask before looking to Mira, "Have you bothered to file the paperwork?"

"Nope," Mira grinned.

The soldier held the bridge of his nose. "Alright, alright, alright. File paperwork on the new member and for the love of Tyregenium keep the noise down!"

"Okay," Mira agreed.

The soldier walked out of the guild and closed the door behind him. Everyone let out a huge sigh of relief. Yukino called Libra back which made both Laxus and Sting come crashing to the floor.

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