Sting focused on the tree he was climbing and bit his lip as he climbed higher and higher. A few feet away Lucy sat and behind her lay a grand white dragon; Weisslogia.

"He's a curious one, determined too," Weisslogia noted aloud.

"Yes," Lucy began, she was going to say more but she caught herself and stopped. Weisslogia sensed it and finished her sentence for her.

"Just like his father."

Lucy gave a small nod and took a deep breath.

They had just barely reach Weisslogia's haven. It had been three days since she had lost Natsu and Happy.

"And his grandfather," Weisslogia chuckled as Sting fell to the ground, roared at the tree and went to climb it again.

They sat in silence for a little longer, Lucy held the key of Gemini and was turning it in her hands over and over again.

"You mustn't ponder it too much," Weisslogia warned.

"Gemini said that The Dragon King's forces had already reached the Redfox's... they're home was destroyed but they didn't see any bodies..." Lucy muttered. She wanted so badly to search for her friends.

"If you leave my territory, you will be at The Dragon King's mercy," Weisslogia reminded her. "This enchantment shields my home from the monster's gaze but if you leave... and worse yet if you are captured... you put my home, and your son, in grave peril."

Lucy nodded, " I just wish I could know... I hate not knowing," she muttered a sob catching in her throat.

Was Natsu dead?

Had they killed Happy?

Was Levy gone too?

What about Gajeel?

And their young son?

What was she supposed to do now...?

Lucy held her head and released it all in a pained breath.

"Well... I've heard nothing of the Redfox's capture, and no news is good news," Weisslogia sighed laying his head down.

"And Natsu?" Lucy asked.

Weisslogia looked away and did not respond. Lucy stood up knowingly.

"And Natsu?" she asked more forcefully.

"You must swear that you will not do anything foolish if I tell you," Weisslogia sighed.

"I swear," Lucy said eagerly.

"...He is alive," Weisslogia said slowly.

Lucy let out a relieved sigh and put a hand to her heart.

"Then the Dragon King has found use for him... that gives me time-" Lucy began.

"But he is to be executed in four days," Weisslogia murmured.

Lucy froze.

"Executed," she repeated slowly.

Weisslogia clenched his jaw and looked to her.

"He's going to hang him?" Lucy asked her voice trembling.

"It is what the proclamation states," Weisslogia answered slowly, "I suppose we must be happy it is not a game's death."

"I have to stop this," Lucy breathed turning away.

"How?" Weisslogia challenged, "How will you do that!?"

"I'll find a way," Lucy answered  pacing.

"This is one of the King's games. He knows you're out there and he knows you're listening. If you go and try to stop it he will interrogate you and he will get what he wants. And then he will come for you son and I. Is that what you want?"

The Tail of the Twin DragonsWhere stories live. Discover now