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"We should reach Magnolia in a few days," Sting announced flopping onto the inn bed.

"Yayyyy!" Lector cheered.

"That's good," Doranbolt nodded slowly taking his ninja mask off and relaxing.

"Indeed," Rufus agreed as he set his hat on the table beside him.

They had booked two rooms at an inn, one for the girls, one for the boys. The boys had finally settled down and they were beginning to fall asleep when a scream startled all of them.

"What was that?" Orga asked groggily from where he lay.

"Yukino!" Sting cried leaping out of bed and throwing open the door. He ran down the hall and banged on Yukino and Minerva's door.

"Are you two alright!?" Sting demanded.

There was no answer.

"Yukino! Minerva!?" Frosch called nervously.

Rogue ran up with the others, "I have a bad feeling," he stated looking to Sting. That was all Sting needed.

"I AM KICKING THE DOOR IN!" Sting roared.

"I don't know if that's the best resp-" Rogue began sweating nervously. Sting kicked the door in and ran in.

Yukino and Minerva were lying frozen in their beds, each on trembling slightly.

The boys ran up.

"What's going on?" Orga asked shaking Minerva who didn't respond.

"I have no memory of any magic like this," Rufus shivered as he waved a hand in front of Yukinio's face.

"Its blood magic," someone giggled.

They all turned to the door where a familiar red-head stood.

"You," Doranbolt realized tensing.

"Who is she!?" Rogue demanded.

"She's one of the King's snakes!" Orga cried.

"What did you do to them!?" Sting roared lunging for the girl. She avoided his fists attack with a  smile and grabbed his arm before flipping him over her should showing her strength. Sting lay there stunned with the wind knocked out of him.

"Oh, aren't you eager?" the girl smiled licking her lips.

"Shadow dragon TALON!" Rogue yelled kicking the girl and sending her flying.

Sting got up but Rufus, Orga, and Doranbolt flew past him, attacking the girl without mercy. The girl was sent flying through the wall by Orga's lightning fist. She was then pounded into the earth by Rufus's magic and as pinned to the ground by Doranbolt's magic knives. 

The five ran up to the girl.

She lay in the ground breathing heavily, "Well... that was exhilarating," she smiled.

Then Minerva and Yukino contorted in pain and screamed. Frosch and Lector flew by their sides trying desperately to help.

They all looked back through the recked inn to where the girls lay.

"What are you doing to them!" Sting roared grabbing the girl by her black shirt collar and hauling her up.

"I am Siery, the blood dragon," Siery smiled, "I can control your little friends because I've tasted their blood... so unless you want their blood to stop threatening to burst every vessel in their body, I recommend you stop."

"What do you want!?" Rogue hissed.

"Release me, and I'll tell you," Siery smiled looking down at Sting who was clenching her shirt.

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