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Sting dodged the kick that Rogue had thrown and backed away.

"Come on Rogue, you gotta help me out here," Sting grimaced.

Rogue, however, could only glare at him as if to say 'I can't control my body, you idiot. You gotta figure this out before she decides to make my heart explode.'

Sting glanced behind Rogue and saw Siery standing there grinning like the sick psycho she was. 

"White Dragon Holy Ray " Sting yelled, jumping up and aiming the attack for Siery. Siery watched the thousands of beams race for her and unconcerned raised her hand and suddenly Rogue was in front of her. He'd be hit by Stings attack. Sting willed his attack to move and the beams change course as to not hit either Rogue or Siery.

Rogue was seething in rage. Growls were caught in his throat so all he could do was glare at the red-head who seeming to be ecstatic.

God, he'd been such an idiot.  And now he was paying the price. It was terrifying to know that with a simple thought the crazy red-head could have him dead. She had complete control over his movements, he could feel his blood being yanked around at her commands.

"Who's gonna die first, who?" Siery giggled forcing Rogue forward towards Sting. One good thing about Siery's magic, she wasn't able to affect Rogue's dragon slayer magic, meaning that all he could throw were physical attacks.

Sting caught the next punch and forced Rogue into a headlock.

"Your magic still works right?" Sting panted trying to hold Rogue who was struggling thanks to Siery.

Rogue looked up at Sting.

"I'll take that as a yes," Sting breathed. Rogue's elbow flew backward hitting Sting in the solar plexus.

Sting released Rogue out of instinct. He was then roundhoused kicked in the face and sent sprawling.

"Oh, that hurt," Sting grimaced rubbing the bruised spot.

Siery wasn't giving Rogue a chance to catch his breath. He was yanked about as his body threw more attacks. Sting only used defense, his eyes glancing over to Siery.

"I'm gonna activate my dragon force," Sting whispered as he blocked another punch, "Try and not get in my way."

Now if Rogue had a voice he would've said something like, 'Oh I'm sorry, does it look like I actively want to be a human shield to the psyco!?'

Sting grabbed Rogue's next punch and then activated his magic. He threw Rogue into the nearest tree and without even to see his brother land he activated his dragon force and lunged for the redhead.

Siery watched Sting lunge for her, both fists glowing, white dragon scales covering his body, and she knew that an attack like that would put her in the dirt - maybe for good.

Sting roared, beams of white light solidifying in his hands.

She raised her hands and tensed her fingers calling on every bit of her puppet's blood to move quick enough. Rogue suddenly appeared between Sting and Siery. He appeared so quickly that not even he seemed to know how he got there. Sting was already too close, the attack fire from his head hitting Rogue head-on. 

The attack threw up dust encasing the trio in a thick cloud.

Somewhere Sting heard Siery cackling like a child but he wasn't worried about her, "ROGUE!" he cried looking to where he'd last seen his brother.

"SURPRISE!" he heard Siery yell. Sting whirled around as a knife flew towards him. He narrowly avoided it but it managed to graze his shoulder.

Sting swore and tried to sense where Siery was, now he was bleeding which made this battle very unpredictable.

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