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"So you're a Dragneel," Yukino stated.

"Yep," Sting nodded.

"And you're a Redfox," Yukino breathed looking to Rogue.

Rogue gave a stiff nod and looked around nervously.

"Chill dude. We're in the middle of a forest, no assassins in the shadows yet bro," Sting chuckled patting Rogue on the back.

"Yeah Rogue, lighten up. If any of those baddies do show up you and Sting will show em' whose boss!" Lector cheered flying around.

"It's still crazy to think about; you guys are decedents of the greatest Dragon family's to ever walk this earth," Yukino breathed.

"Yeah, it's pretty c-" Sting began.

He froze and the two of them looked behind them fearfully.

"What?" Yukino asked.

"Dragon hunters," Rogue hissed, "I knew this would happen."

"What?" Yukino asked.

At her words, there was a chilling shriek.

"They have beasts," Rogue stated cold fear running down his spine.

"Beasts?" Yukino asked.

Another shriek answered the first, this one closer.

"Run." Sting ordered.

They flew down that woodland trail as fast as their feet allowed. The shrieks followed growing louder and more frequent.

"They've caught our scent!" Rogue yelled as they leaped over a log.

"Lector, get Yukino out of here!" Sting ordered.

"NO!" Yukino objected.

"No way Sting!" Lector cried clinging to his shoulder.

"If Lector carried you Sting, and if Frosch takes Yukino, I can escape via the shadows," Rogue instructed looking back fearfully.

"I can't leave you!" Sting cried.

"You're not, but I have a better chance of escaping alone and you two have a better chance of escaping if you have wings!" Rogue yelled.

"You better be careful!" Sting ordered.

"I will," Rogue promised, "Go, Frosch!"

"Okay!" Frosch cheered flying out of Rogue's pack and grabbing Yukino by his shirt. Lector grabbed Sting's shirt and sprouted his wings before flapping madly and taking off. As they rose Sting glanced back to see Rogue slip into the shadows. He looked further back and saw a small dark shape swerve through the trees before disappearing under the greenery once again.

"Keep him safe, Dad," Sting prayed to his father's spirit as he and Yukino flew high above the forest and far away from their hunters.

They waited a few miles outside of the forest waiting expectantly for Rogue.

But he never came.

They stayed at an inn that night. Sting couldn't sleep, he paced the hotel room and when that got tedious he paced the halls of the inn. His thoughts were on Rogue. Terrible thoughts flew through his mind as the night went on, and the more Sting thought about it the more he wanted to search that forest top to bottom.

He stopped pacing and leaned on a wall trying to sort his thoughts out.

The Inn door opened and a group of soldiers walked in. Sting stiffened and slowly slunk back down the hall to Yukino's room. He tapped urgently on the door, there was no answer.

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