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"Wow," Sting gawked looking down the streets of Magnolia. The city was a mess array of markets, pedestrians, soldiers, and other assortments of life.

Rogue only nodded in response as he dodged under a beam that was being carried by a couple of construction workers.

"Sorry," one of the workers apologized.

"It's fine," Rogue assured him before returning his gaze to the crowd.

"So... I take it that's the guild?" Sting asked pointing to the large building at the end of the street with a banner on it and the large words 'Fairy Tail' etched over the door.

"I suppose so," Rogue answered. He looked around, "But I'd rather head to the library."

"Old records can wait, come on!" Sting grinned grabbing Rogue's arm and pulling him down the street, "Don't you wanna see our parent's guild?"

Rogue said nothing but allowed Sting to pull him towards the guild. 

Fairy Tail's doors were opened slightly as the two boys peered inside.

A word to describe what they saw; chaos. Fighting and drinking and singing and dancing with a little bit more fighting sprinkled in for good measure. Sting opened the door, enthralled by it all while Rogue's desire to find the library grew infinitely higher.

"Maybe we should just go to the library - " Rogue began.

"Come on," Sting grinned pulling Rogue inside much to the Shadow Dragon Slayer's horror. The moment they stepped in, the movement stopped. Everyone looked to them, some of them in the middle of their fights. It seemed to the two that they were looked over, and were being evaluated.

"SAFE!" a woman, her top consisting only of a bleu bra, yelled jumping to her feet and hoisting up an entire barrel of beer. 

"SOMEONE STOP HER!" someone else cried.

Very suddenly, the two had been judged to not be a threat, and then life went on. Everyone lunging for the woman.

After the moment of awkwardness, Rogue and Sting weaved their way through the guild avoiding brawls and random flying objects. Sting was only taken down by a table once and Rogue called that an absolute win.

Eventually, the duo reached the bar and sat down, wincing slightly as a member went crashing into a wall.

"Are you two new?" a kind voice asked. The two's attention was turned to the woman behind the bar. She was tall and clearly beautiful with long white hair and sweet blue eyes.

"Uh... yeah," Sting answered turning in his seat to face her, "I'm Sting, this is Rogue."

"What brings you to Fairy Tail?" the woman asked as she cleaned a glass.

"We were sent here by - "Sting began.

"A friend," Rogue interrupted cryptically. He trusted no one in this insane asylum and wasn't about to go betray the Scarlets.

"Oh, how mysterious," the woman grinned, "I'm Mira. The guild's bartender and part-time Master."

"Part-time Master?" Sting repeated, tilting his head.

"Yes," Mira nodded, giving no more information. Rogue's attention was pulled to the other man at the bar, he was sleeping with an empty beer bottle in hand. His head hidden under a fur-lined coat. Rogue could only make out the smell of alcohol from the man and so he turned his attention away.

"Oh," Sting nodded. He wasn't sure where else to go with the conversation. Rogue had made it clear that he wanted to remain confidential which meant that running around, asking people about Dragneels and Redfoxs was off the table. 

The Tail of the Twin DragonsWhere stories live. Discover now