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The Sabertooth guildhall was built on a mountainside; the grand building was made of the oldest trees, the hardest stone, and by the best builders and men. There were two ancient large doors at the entrance... these were broken down. The guild members stood up as two figures walked in.

"Who's the master here?" Sting growled as the splinters from the door fell around him.

"Who are you?" one man asked.

"I'M ASKING THE QUESTION! WHERE IS YOUR MASTER?" Sting roared punching the man aside.

"Right here," a bulk man said, he walked in front of Sting, "I am Master Jiemma, the strongest-" he didn't finish. Sting punched him into the wall.

"One flipping loss and you're kicked out huh, is that how this is played?" Sting growled.

"What are you talking about?" Jiemma growled getting to his feet.

"You kicked out a woman under the name of Yukino! You humiliated her because she suffered one loss so..." the air around Sting 's aura grew in magic power, "I'm gonna beat you and then you're out of the guild."

"You need more than that to beat me brat, Orga, deal with this," Jiemma said. The man name Orga stepped up.

"So, you're gonna hide behind your comrades!" Sting yelled enraged.

Orga threw a black lightning bolt at him. Sting jumped up before landing on Orga, feet and fists glowing. Rogue went into the shadows and reappeared in front of Jiemma.

"If you run from my brother the light, you reach me, the shadow... I don't play fair," Rogue warned.

"You're no match for me brat," Jiemma roared, he aimed his magic at Rogue. Rogue simply turned into a shadow. When the light cleared, it appeared that Rogue had been disintegrated.

"Looks like your bother is gone," Jiemma laughed... then to his surprise Sting chuckled.

"Look behind you old man," Sting smiled.

Jiemma whipped around to Rogue punching him, he was sent flying across the room.

The guild members began to fight Sting and Rogue, but they were easily beat down. Then a man named Rufus stepped up.

"I know your moves... I remember them well... memory make-" he began.

"REMEMBER THIS!" Sting yelled and kicked him unconscious.

Someone called Dobengal was knocked aside by Rogue; they were almost to the master when someone yelled.


Sting and Rogue looked to the door; Yukino was standing there, her eyes full of worry.

"Yukino," Sting questioned.

"Oh, I was worried, I knew you would come to do this... oh you're hurt," Yukino said running up and studying a wound on Sting's face.

"No... I'm fine," Sting shrugged.

"Oh... I remember this weakling," Jiemma got to his feet, "she is a stain on Sabertooth's shoes and as such, she was wiped off."

"Why you!" Sting began whipping around.

"Please, Sting, let them be... they will not forget what they saw tonight. You made master Jiemma afraid, you beat down their strongest, you've done so much... its more than enough," she said.

Sting threw one last hateful glance at Jiemma then turned to Yukino.

"Fine," he agreed.

"Well... that was fun," Rogue said.

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