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(Many Years Later)

Weisslogia and Skiadrum were growing old. They knew they were going to die. They lay on the floor of a large cave. Sting and Rogue had been catering to them, catching them food and caring for them. Their breaths were shaky and their muscles ached.

"Sting. Come here," beckoned Weisslogia.

"What is it Weisslogia?" asked Sting. He had grown over the years. He was now about twenty. He wore a white shirt that was fur trimmed with white deer fur. His long black pants were the same as they had been when he was younger. He had one metal earring in his right ear and a scar above his right eye from a wild animal attack. He had the blonde hair of his mother, the temperament of his father, but his blue eyes were from some distant ancestor.

"Where is your brother?" Weisslogia asked.

"I don't know probably training," Sting responded unconcerned with the matter.

"Go get him please."


"Because your master and I have something to tell you both," wheezed Skiadrum.

"Okay," shrugged Sting as he ran out of the cave his maroon cat, Lector followed. Lector had been a stray cat found in the forest that they had been hiding in. Sting had found him when he was ten and had kept his friend close. The cat showed affection for the boy in loving yowls and made sure to hiss at anything that may serve a threat to him.

"Are you sure now is the time Skiadrum?" wheezed Weisslogia, "They are still so young." he began to cough.

"It's now or never," he answered, taking a shaky breath in. "He waits for no one."

"I found him!" cried Sting a few minutes later, racing back. A tall man followed. Rogue looked just like his father except his hair which was smooth like his mother's. Rogue had let his hair grow out. It was messy and held up in a ponytail. A thin scar traced across his nose, an accidental wound from a sparring match with Sting. He wore a gray and black leopard pelt kimono style and black pants, the leopard pelt was from an unlucky leopard who thought Rogue's cat looked like a good snack. 

Frosch, Rogue's cat, in a homemade pink frog costume, raced behind the duo. Frosch was a strange green cat that everyone was rather skeptical of, except Rogue of course. A few years ago the green cat had turned in the bog surrounded by frogs; Rogue loved it more then anything and went through extreme lengths to make it happy, including sewing a pink frog costume for the cat.

"What is it Master?" asked Rogue.

"We have a request," said Skiadrum, "And a tale."

"It is about your family," Weisslogia said.

Both boys straightened and their eyes hardened. Random stories, especially pertaining to their family were rare and so the two boys could feel the tension in the air.

"We ask that you say nothing until we are done," said Weisslogia

"O.K" said Sting sitting down "Shoot."

"Have either of you ever wondered why you have the capability of dragon magic?" asked Weisslogia

"Isn't it because you raised us and taught us?" Asked Rogue, "Dragon slayers must be trained by dragons."

"No. In order for anyone to learn dragon magic they must first have dragon blood in them," explained Skiadrum.

"Dragon blood, as in-" began Sting.

"As in dragon lineage," answered Weisslogia.

"So only those descended from dragons can learn dragon slaying magic?" Rogue asked.

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