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Y/n's p.o.v

I've never liked thunderstorms; they frightened me to the point where I couldn't be alone in the house. The thunder and the heavy rain, the power going out, I couldn't stand those things. With my parents out of town and lightning flashing every now and then in the dark sky, I knew I wouldn't be able to go to sleep. Not unless I had someone else in the house with me.

As soon as I heard thunder, I called a Ronnie seeing as he was the person who lived the closest to me. I didn't have to do much begging since he knew how afraid I was. So afraid that I'd begged him to stay on the phone until he got here.

''Its so dark outside.'' Ronnie's the voice came out slightly muffled from the other end of the line.

''Be careful when you drive then,'' I replied, my hand gripping the phone tightly. ''But hurry, please.'' My voice shook as I spoke and I could feel myself start to panic.

''Don't worry, I'm going as fast as I can.'' Hearing his voice always calmed me when I was nervous and so I relaxed a little bit and let my head fall back against the door.

''Okay.'' I whispered back, letting out a small sigh of relief. Just then, deafening thunder reached my ears and just like that, I was back to panicking. I glanced out the window but cowered back when lightning illuminated the sky.

''(Y/n), relax. I'll be there in five. At least you still got power.'' I pressed the phone closer to my ear so I could hear his voice better and couldn't fight the small cry that escaped my lips when thunder boomed again.

''Don't say that, the power's gonna-'' I watched in horror as the lights flickered before I was surrounded with darkness. My breathing picked up and I brought my knees up to my chest with my back pressed against the door and my eyes shut tight.

'Ronnie.' I whined into the phone, my voice cracking. 'What's wrong?''

''The power's out.'' I cried, my whole body now trembling. I wasn't just afraid of thunder and power going out, I was afraid of something falling on me. A few years back, my dad was out during a storm and a big branch had hit him. Thankfully he was okay afterwards, but I've been afraid of thunderstorms since then.

''Don't panic, I'll be here soon. Is the door open, where are you right now?'' I focused on the sound of his voice and breathed in deeply.

''I'm at the door.''

''Jesus, (y/n) have you been-''

''There since I called you, yes.'' I said, desperately trying to control my shaky voice.

''Why aren't you in your room?'' Hearing the worry in his voice calmed me down and I felt like I could breathe normally until lightning flashed through the sky again.

''I-I didn't wanna walk down if the power went out, and now its out and I cant see anything.'' I felt a lump start to form at the back of my throat as I tried to calm down my breathing.

''Hey, hey. I'm parking right now, okay? Don't panic.'' I scrambled up to my feet and patted the door until I found the doorknob. I gripped it with a shaky hand breathed in.

''The door's open hurry, please.'' I pressed my forehead against the door and swallowed back the lump in my throat. I heard a door being slam shut and gripped the doorknob tighter. The line went dead and a few second passed until I felt the knob twist in my hand.

''(Y/n)?'' I heard the door being shut close and I took a step towards the sound of his voice. I reached out into the dark until I found him and fell into his arms. My arms flew around him and gripped the back of his shirt with shaking hands.

Ronnie Banks - imagines [2014/15]Where stories live. Discover now