Break up

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I slammed the front door, dropping my bag on the floor. It's been a stressful week with the piles of coursework, and not to mention the amount Ronnie and I have been fighting. It was over the stupidest things. I groaned before pushing my back off the wall, slipping of my shoes and walking into the kitchen. I noticed Ronnie frowning, as he slammed the fridge. His chocolate eyes caught me gazing, as I was about to speak, he grunted with dismay. I could tell he was mad from this morning still.

"You're back." He uttered with pure annoyance dripping from his voice. I sighed, not bothering to speak. I watched how he leaned back against the counter with his arms crossed and a frown that was a mixture of disgust and anger. I tried to ignore it until he snorted. "You're not even going to even try and make up for how you were acting?" I rolled my eyes, as I went to walk out RONNIE'S hand wrapped around my wrist. "Aren't you even going to try and explain yourself?"

"I did nothing wrong." I snap turning to him. My blood was boiling, how could he think that I did something wrong! "You're always blaming me, Ronnie! For everything, for this Goddamn relationship not working!" I scream and I watched he how scoffed.

"Because half the time it is your fault, y/n!" Ronnie yells, letting go of my wrist and running his fingers through his dark locks. "God-damnit, I can't do this anymore, if you don't fucking try and put the effort in!" My jaw opens. I wasn't trying?! I've been trying for months, with the stupid romantic dinners, those ridiculous movie nights and buying new underwear just for him. My fist clenched.

"You've got to be fucking joking, Ronnie." My voice suddenly rose, making him flinch, "I've been trying for the last four months! It's not fucking working, nothing is! You put everything else before me, I don't even know why! I thought you love me, this isn't love Ronnie and I can't do this. In fact, I refuse to carry on like this would even work!" My words hit Ronnie like a ton of bricks, with his face going from anger, quickly to sadness. His lips quivered with his chocolate eyes filling with tears.


I toke a deep breath and sniffed trying to stop my self from crying.

"Yes I'm done Ronnie"

Ronnie Banks - imagines [2014/15]Where stories live. Discover now