He finds out you cut

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You couldn't remember the last time you've been truly happy. It all started at age eleven, when your parents divorced, your step-father abused you.didn't like to go outside, or play with the other kids because you was afraid of everyone around you was going to hurt you like he does. You would usually stay in your room with a book or a journal. Everyone would call you a freak because you weren't like them, who spent their weekends with other people. That didn't bother you, however. Mainly because you were too engrossed in a book to notice.

When you turned fifteen, that 'phase' hadn't went away. It only got worse. You gradually went from eating lunch with the nice people who had let you sit with them, to that big tree that was three feet outside of school grounds. From everyone's eyes, you were better. They believed you when you told them, "Yeah, I have friends. I eat lunch with them everyday day." You also did very well in school. So everyone stopped asking questions. They stopped noticing. They all thought you were okay. They were wrong.

When you were fifteen, you also started to bring blades to your skin. The first time you did it, you didn't really mean for it to happen. But when it did, you seemed to enjoy it. The pain felt...painless.

That seemed to become a regular for you. You were convinced you weren't good enough for anything, or anyone. The names that you were called before had made a reappearance. Only this time, you noticed them. And they became worse. Your grades had dropped, but nothing concerning. And to top things off, there was a boy Ronnie Banks. the most sexiest and sweetest guy ever. who which you had a crush on.

He was your partner in lab class. You too sat together, mixing chemicals and watching the results. You, per usual, sat inside of your mind, thinking what it would be like if you and him were together.

"Y/N you can go wash your hands now," Ronnie said flashing you a smile. kicking you out of your thoughts. You nodded and smiled in thanks before walking to the sink, which was in the front of the room. Since you and Ronnie sat in the back, you too were always last. The teacher had dismissed the students who had already cleaned up, so there was only you and Ronnie. Cautiously, you rolled up your sleeve barely past your wrist. The scars were pretty hard to hide, Running your hands over the lukewarm water, you shivered as some droplets ran down your sleeve.

"What is that?" Ronnie said in a way that sounded almost demanding. You looked at him and see that he has a discounted and hurt look on his face. You knew what he was talking about, and wasn't up for answering. Without saying anything, you drew your hands away from the water and rolled down your sleeves. Leaving the water running, you passed him and went to get your things, hoping to make a beeline for the door and into the library for study hall. But Ronnie was already at the door, with a serious expression on his face. As you walked up to him, he handed you a wad of paper towels, which made you remember that your hands (and sleeves) were drenched. With one arm holding your books close to your chest, you took the paper towels with the other one, muttering "thanks" before managing to walk past.

You thought you were safe, and dodged a possibly dramatic moment, when Ronnie had gotten a soft grip on your wrist. He was then gently dragging you out the school, and to the tree where you ate lunch everyday.

Using his free hand, he rolled up your sleeve to your elbow, revealing the scars, upon scars...

He stared at you, then your scars, then you again.


You frowned, mainly as an attempt to hold back the tears that were building up in your eyes. Suddenly filling with anger and sadness, you yanked your hand away.

"It's because of me! It's me being worthless, and not good enough.." you felt tears stream down your cheeks, but you didn't bother to stop them.

You too stood there in silence, him staring at you, while you silently cried. You almost didn't notice when Ronnie hugged you and ran his hand down your hair.

"You're not worthless, your priceless y/n." Ronnie said, kissing your forehead.

"And I'll help you get through this,"

She looked at him and smiled. You got up and wrapped your arms around his neck. since he was so tall her picked you up an wrapped your legs around his waist. he grabbed you bum and start kissing all of your face&neck. you blushed really hard when you realised that you let out a small moan. Ronnie chuckles and kisses your cheek.

Ronnie Banks - imagines [2014/15]Where stories live. Discover now