Abusive ex part l

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You stupid bitch!" He screamed, grabbing my hair and slamming my head against the wall. I cried out in pain as he grabbed my neck from behind and and started choking me.

"Will you ever disrespect me again?" He sneered into my ear, every second he held onto me he squeezed tighter, slowly cutting off my oxygen supply.

"No, Tyler. I'm sorry. Please let go I can't breathe." I choked.

I tried to shake out of his grip but I felt my self slowly slipping my eyes watering because of the pressure against throat. Just as I thought I was gonna pass out he let go. He turned me around and pushed my face up so I was looking in his eyes.

"Don't you ever fucking embarrass me like that again, y/n " he whispered, he inched closer to me and placed a soft kiss on my jaw, I flinched and turned away. He clenched his hand around my arm and squeezed.

"Please let go Ty, you're hurting me." I pleaded, crying but he only looked at me with disgust and anger.

He eased his grip around my throat and threw me to the floor, I landed on my side with a loud thud. He walked to where I was laying on the ground and began kicking me. Each kick came with a harsh word that cut into my skin.




"Fucking bitch"

He picked my limp almost lifeless and threw me on the bed causing my knee to connect with the frame. I tried not scream to make him come after me so I just hissed and clenched my teeth so hard until I heard his footsteps recede to the other side of my bedroom.

"Fine, act that way I was only trying to apologize." he said as he reached the door and sauntered off.

I got up and examined the damages. I had a greenish blue bruise forming beside my lips and red marks around my throat from where he strangled me to near unconsciousness.

I limped toward my dresser and took out the most important thing in my life. My journal.

I began to scribbled away all the physical pain turning to emotional turmoil. Everything I flipped through these pages every horrid memory of that monster flashed back to me and I wanted to die. Every slap. Every punch. Every kick. Every cruel word and every threat. All chipped away at me. Leaving me bare.

I began writing and my mind run wild. A part of me telling me I didn't deserve this the other telling me it was karma for all the horrible things I did.

I closed my journal and his it under the bible, my mother kept in every room, in the bottom drawer of my dresser. I didn't see the point of owning a bible, not even that can help me escape this boy.

I slowly got up and made my way to the bathroom. I stripped out of my clothes that were sticking to me and took a shower. Washing away the dirt and pain. The hot water gently caressing my bruised knee. After I was done i got dressed and I packed my stuff and left the house. I kicked the keys far away. I went to McDonald's and got something to eat I was starving. tyler never fed me. while I was in the line some guy tapped me on the shoulder.

"May I help you?" I asked annoyed. I turned around to him. he looked at me shocked. shit my bruises. I quickly turn around and order my food. I get my food and sit at the back by my self. I take out my phone and ring my uncle sage.

Ring Ring Ring

Sage: "hello? Y/n?"

Y/n: "h-hello s-sage" I began to cry.

Sage: "sweetie are you okay? where are you?"

Y/n: "no I'm not okay. I have bruises everywhere I think I have a broken leg and I have no where to stay. please help me sage your the only one I-I h-have left."

Sage: "okay. Y/n tell me where you at right now?"

Y/n: "McDonalds"

Sage: "okay my friend ronnie is meant to be there right now. do you see a tall light skinned guy?"

Y/n: "yes why?" that's the guy from earlier oh no sage.

Sage:" go up to him and give him your phone and let me speak to him okay sweetie"

Y/n: "okay" I begin to walk towards him. I tap him on the shoulder. he turns around and gives me a polite smile. I give him my phone and walk back my seat to finish my food of.

Ronnie Banks - imagines [2014/15]Where stories live. Discover now