Chapter 3

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I held Shane as I burped him, having just fed him. The Fall Festival opened two days ago and today Talon was gonna walk with us to it. We didn't go the first day since there is usually an opening concert and Shane is too young for that. Today though its supposed to be peaceful with amazing weather. I just put him down to go change my shirt when the doorbell rang. I looked at the clock and saw he was early. I opened the door and smiled, "Hey just give me a second, I need to change my shirt then we can go." He smiled softly as he came in, "Take your time." He went to the living room and I went up the stairs to my room. I grabbed the shirt I had laid out and quickly changed into it. I heard the water from my kitchen sink and I became curious. I brushed my hair then put it in a pony tail before going slipping on a pair of ballet flats. When I went downstairs, I saw he was holding Shane. I smiled softly before going to the kitchen to grab the diaper bag off the counter. I noticed bubbles in the sink then realized he had washed his hands before picking Shane up.

I smiled softly as I left the kitchen. After getting the stroller ready and Shane settled, we left. He walked on the side facing the street, looking relaxed. We were in a comfortable silence and I became excited when I saw it. I could smell the different concessions and see the different games. When we got there, he rested a hand on my lower back, as if to make a statement to the other bikers that were here, that we were here together. He wasn't ashamed of being around me and Shane and that really made my heart skip a beat. It was such a large set up, it was surprising that it only took them a month to set it all up. We went to one of the less crowded booths and saw it was a knock the bottles down game. He paid for me to try and I didn't have the best aim in the world. Especially since I was so short. He had no problem though and he won a pair of sparkly devil horns. He chuckled as he put them on me and I stuck my tongue out at him. He flicked my nose and I rubbed it while my face was scrunched up. We then went to another booth, this one was a trivia game. Facts about fall, Halloween, and other autumn traditions. A question appeared on a screen with the answers and you had to write the letter on a small white board.

The one on the screen was a true false question.

True or False, Halloween is more Irish than Saint Patrick's day? 

I smiled as I wrote true on my board. I snorted when Talon put False. "Halloween was originally a Celtic festival, known as Samhain. The Celts believed the dead roamed the Earth so people dressed up as ghouls and such to keep themselves safe and left treats on their porches to appease the spirits. Now the spirits we appease by handing out treats too are kids with candy bags," I shared with him. "The lady is correct," The booth owner said with a smile.

We did a few more, all of which I got correct. "Nerd," Talon teased playfully. I smiled as I picked the plush bat that was black and purple. I tucked it into Shane's diaper bag before we continued on. We then found a game a lot of the bikers were at with their women. It was a ring the bell game. They were all trying to see who was stronger. No doubt it was set to the hardest setting for them. After all, there was no pride boosting with it on easy.

"Hey Talon, you gonna give it a try," One of them called out when they saw him. He chuckled and went over, making sure to keep us in his view. A guy with a piercing in his left ear and a tattoo of a tear drop by his right eye came over to us. "While old bird claw is busy over there, let me introduce myself. I'm Spider," He said while sticking his hand out. "I'm Iris, and this is Shane," I said while taking his hand. We then turned our attention over to where Talon who was taking the hammer. I watched the muscles in his back and arms move as he slammed the hammer down, sending it straight to the bell. He smirked as he handed it back to the game keeper. He picked the teddy bear wearing a witch's hat and brought it over to me. I smiled and took it. "I see you've met Spider," Talon said while wrapping an arm around me. I usually hated possessive men, but this was different. His arm was relaxed, as if it was there for more than just showing possession. I know, as of right now, I'm seen as his woman, and that was okay with me. "Please tell me you were behaving," Talon asked Spider. Spider held up his hands as I nodded, "We haven't said anything more than introductions." "Wow usually he makes an ass out of himself within the first seconds of meeting someone," Talon said and I smacked him with the back of my hand for the use of a cuss word. Talon gave me an apologetic smile, "Sorry." Spider chuckled, "So whipped." Spider walked away as Talon glared. He then turned to the stroller when Shane began to make a fuss. He picked him up and my heart melted. Shane looked around at all of the bright lights as Talon carried him. We went to the large picture booth that many couples were taking pictures in that printed two strips of five photos. When we went in I picked the haunted house background for one, the graveyard for the second, he then picked out a cauldron for the third, a werewolf howling at a full moon for the fourth, and for the last one was chose an opened coffin in Dracula's castle.

We made silly faces for two, for the third we both kissed Shane, the fourth he moved me to his lap while I held Shane, his arms around us both. The last he kissed my cheek while still in the same position. My cheeks were on fire when we stepped out and I put Shane in his car seat, tucking his blanket around him. Talon took the photos and gave me my half. I smiled shyly as I tucked them into the diaper bag while he put his in his wallet.

He then pushed the stroller and we went to go get something to eat. We were sitting down at a table when motorcycles began to race down the street and all of the ones at the Festival tensed and glared at them, including Talon. "I'm guessing they're unwanted guests," I asked softly. He nodded, "They're a rival MC from two towns over called Locked Jaw. To say we dont get along is an understatement." We watched the direction they went in. "They're headed to the compound," he said while standing. 

Spider ran up to us, "We're heading out to try and catch up and stop them before they make it." Talon nodded, "I'm gonna get them home then catch up." Spider nodded, "Do what you have to. I'll tell them if you're late." Talon nodded and we got ready to leave. The walk back was tense. "I'm really sorry to cut it so short Iris," He said while running a hand through his hair. I pulled him down and gave his cheek a kiss, "Go do what you need too Talon, just be safe." He kissed my cheek and Shane's forehead before leaving.

Talon's POV

I got there just as a huge brawl broke out. I parked my bike quickly and joined in. It took us a while to throw them out, but God did I take a few hits. I sat on the couch with an ice pack on the right side of my ribs after the club doctor checked me out. Spider sat down with one over his left eye. Warden sat down with a glass of scotch, using the cold from the glass against his split lip. "How was Iris when you dropped them off," Spider asked me. "She seemed fine, told me to stay safe," I replied. "Call her to tell her everything is okay," Warden told me. "If she really cares, she'll still be up worried about you." I shook my head as I took out my phone, "I'm gonna text her instead. I dont want to take the chance me calling her wakes Shane up."

Got everything dealt with. I'm okay.

A reply came back not even a minute later, We're you injured?

I smiled softly, only a few bruises. Nothing an ice pack and a stiff drink cant fix.

That's good.

Then she sent another one of her rambling, not good that you're bruised, but good as in I'm glad its not worse.

Damn she was adorable, I know what you meant. You should get some sleep.

You should too, good night Talon.

Good night Iris.

"So what's she like," Warden asked me. "Too damn innocent for him," Spider answered instead. "She smacked him for cussing and he actually apologized for it!" Spider then began to laugh and I rolled my eyes. "Damn she's got you good boy," Warden said with a chuckle.

"Are you talking about Iris," Connie said as she sat next to Warden. "Yeah, he took her and her son out to the festival," Spider told her. She smiled brightly, "Oh do you have pictures?" I pulled out my wallet and took out the one from the booth. She snatched it and squealed, "Oh my God these are so precious!" Warden chuckled as he took them back from his wife and handed it to me. I put it back in my wallet before slipping it into my pocket.

"Its nice seeing you with a girlfriend," Connie said. "You look so happy Talon, it's a good change." I nodded in agreement, it was a good change indeed. 

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