Chapter 4

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After the tourist time was over Locked Jaw became a major problem for the town. Caged Beasts does what they can along side the police to keep them out but it was hard without constant watch over the city. Last night they vandalized many of the buildings, including the front of my house. Many of the houses down my street had been hit. When I saw it, I called Talon.

"Hello," he said sleepily. "I didn't mean to wake you," I told him honestly. Had I known, I would've let it wait. "Its okay Iris, what's wrong," he asked sounding more awake. I sighed, "Locked Jaw vandalized the front of my house last night when I was asleep. They did it to all the houses on my street." "I'm on my way," He said before hanging up. I sighed called into to work.

"Hey Tiffany," I said. "Hey honey, I was just about to call you, telling you not to come in today," She told me. "That crazy motorcycle gang vandalized the library, and we are having major repairs done." "Oh wow. I was gonna call out, so I guess this saves me a sick day," I told her. "They hit my house and many others on my street." She sighed, "I'm sorry honey. I got to go talk to the contractor." I hung up just as Talon and Spider pulled up.

Talon was livid. Okay maybe livid wasn't a strong enough word. I knew how he would react when he saw the words spray painted on the front of my house. Vulgar things that I dare not repeat had been put along with their symbol. "I'm not gonna go in today. Apparently the library was hit and they have to have some major repairs done. So I guess I'll be spending today cleaning this up," I said while taking Shane's carseat out of the car.

"You have enough to deal with, we can handle this," Talon told me, keeping his tone calm despite the rage he was feeling. Spider looked up and down the street, "I'm gonna go see if any of the houses have security cameras, hopefully an idiot got caught and next time they come into town we can have them arrested." Talon nodded and Spider ran off. "You didn't hear anything," Talon asked me. I shook my head, "And nothing woke Shane up." "Meaning they didn't come on their bikes," He said with a sigh.

He picked the carseat up and carried it inside. I took Shane out and put him in his swing. "Let me know how much it costs for you get fix it all, and I'll pay you back," I told him. He cupped my cheek, "Not happening Iris. Had Caged Beasts done a better job at keeping them out, it wouldn't have happened." "Talon, they've been causing trouble all over town, you're running yourselves ragged. Dont be so hard on yourself."

"What if they did more Iris? They got close to the house, what if they came in," He asked me. "Do you have any way of protecting yourself?" "A baseball bat," I told him. "That would be great if you had the strength to knock out a full grown man with it," he pointed out and I saw his point. I lacked in the strength department by a lot.

"Have you thought about getting a gun," he asked me. "I have once but I have tiny hands, Talon. The bigger the gun, the more fire power it has, and the more of a kick it has. I once shot a pistol and my hands hurt afterwards because of the recoil," I told him. "They make guns that are smaller, I'm just gonna have to find you one and teach you how to shoot. Until then, you need a taser and pepper spray," he said while running a hand through his hair. "I really wouldn't trust me with taser spray, especially in the middle of the night. I wear contacts, since I'm not a fan of my glasses. I get up in the middle of the night without my eyes, I may end up spraying myself," I told him. He ran a hand over his face but he couldn't fight the small smile, "We wouldn't want that to happen."

I wrapped my arms around his waist, "Its going to be okay, Talon." "I could always sleep on you couch and in case they come back," He suggested. I smiled softly, "As much as I like the idea of having my big biker here, I know there are certain things, such as smoking, that I dont want you to go a whole night without. Especially when stressed. I've been there and that withdrawl sucks." "You used to smoke," he asked me curiously. I nodded, "I quit because I didn't want to smoke while pregnant."

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