Chapter 9

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You have got to be kidding me, I thought when I got to work. Five people quit, meaning I'm gonna have to work over time like crazy. I was organizing a stack of books when Spider and Talon came in. They could see my annoyance coming off of me in waves. "Woah little momma, what's wrong," Spider asked me. "Five people quit today, so it's just me and Hilary until more get hired. I'm getting over time but now I have to figure out what to do about Shane. The day care closes before the library, and I have to stay two hours after closing to clean and put things away," I told them. My phone began to ring and I pulled it out of my back pocket, hitting the hang up button, "And my mother keeps calling, trying to get me to come to Thanksgiving, to try and patch things up with Sawyer." I had used air quotes around the word patch. "Apparently his fiance left after our meeting, which was a smart move on her part."

I shoved my phone back into my pocket, "So what brings you both in today?" "Wanted to see when you were going on break," Talon told me. I sighed, "When I go pick Shane up and bring him here." "Why didn't you ask me," Talon asked. "Because I know you have that job to do tonight, much against my protests. Plus you would need both arms when it comes to taking care of Shane. Like you need for your job," I told him. "I only need one arm for that," He said. "As for Shane I'll have help."

I really didn't want Shane here. And it would be a hassle to have to deal with him and work. "Okay, but I'm gonna need you to come with me to the day care to fill out the paperwork that gives you permission to sign him out. Might as well add Spider too."

I punched out for break and took them to the day care. I got the forms and filled out what I needed too then let them do the rest. "Never thought I would have to do something like this," Spider muttered while putting his ID back in his wallet. Talon chuckled, but didn't say anything.

"We will handle everything so dont you worry," Talon told me, kissing my forehead. I sighed, I hope so.

It was late by the time I got out of work. My feet were dragging on the ground and I just felt like collapsing. Talon sent me a text a few minutes ago telling me Shane was with Connie at the compound and that he had left for his job. I decided tonight I would just go to the compound, but first I have to make a stop at my house.

I pulled up and groaned when I saw Sawyer's Benz outside of my house. He was sitting on my porch. I looked around and saw Mrs. Parsons across the street watching him with her binoculars. I got out, "What are you doing here?" He stood and swayed a little, an almost empty bottle of Jack in his hand. He became violent when he drank jack. Usually it was throwing a glass at the TV or whatever his anger was pointed towards. Never had his anger been pointed at me until now.

"Where's Shane," He asked in a slur. "Not here," I told him. "He's with a baby sitter." Think Iris, how the hell do we get out of this? He was too angry to see reason, "I want him here now!" He got closer to me and I back up, until my back hit my car, the hot engine burning my hand when I touched it. He finished the last of the whiskey in his bottle when he stared down at me.

"I want Shane," he told me. "You're not getting him," I told him. He back handed me, and I fell to the ground, tasting blood in my mouth. I looked up at him and saw him glaring at me. He then smashed the bottle on my car, before pulling me up by the front of my shirt. He pressed the tip of the broken bottle into my neck and I could feel blood start to drop down my neck, between my breasts.

I tried to kick him, but it only seemed to enrage him more. "Where my son," He asked. I spit in his face, "He's not your son." As the sounds of sirens came with in ear shot, he didn't seem to notice. He tossed aside the bottle and unbuttoned my pants. He pinned my body to my car to try and keep me from fighting him. "Let me go," I yelled as loud as I could. He back handed me again, "Shut it. If you wont give me, Shane, then I will take something else I want." He then shoved his hand into my pants, as he began to rub me. Thankfully the cops showed up then and he threw me on the ground, my shirt tearing.

I laid on the ground for a moment, trying to process everything that just happened. A flash light was then in my eyes. "Ms. Ray, can you hear me," An officer asked. I nodded,"Uh yeah." He helped me up, "Can you tell me what happened?" "He tried to rape me because I wouldn't give him my son," I told him.

"He's my son!" Sawyer screamed as they put him in a car. "Is that true," the officer asked me. "If you do a DNA test then yeah, but he signed his right away so legally no," I told him as I ran a shakey hand through my hair. "We're gonna have you taken to a hospital and get you checked out," He told me and I nodded, feeling numb. I didn't want to go to the hospital, I just wanted to see Talon and Shane then go to bed.

At the hospital, they gave me some scrubs to wear and bagged my clothes. Apparently there was a hole in one of my knees from when he threw me down and glass cut my knee up. He also broke the zipper when he shoved his hand into my pants. A nurse came in, "You have no serious injuries, so we're gonna discharge you. We went ahead and contacted one of the numbers on you emergency contact card you handed the police," she said as she handed me back the laminated card I had made. It had Spider's, Talon's, and Connie's number on it. "The first two didn't answer, but the lady did and she'll be here shortly."

I nodded, "Thank you." Several minutes later, Connie came in with Shane. "Oh baby, what happened," she asked when she saw me. "I-I need Talon," I said, my voice shaking. She nodded, "Okay honey. They should be back at the compound soon. Let's get you there." I nodded and numbly followed her, barely keeping it together. When I broke, I wanted to be in front of him, because I know he will catch me.

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