Chapter 18

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I stood at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for Gypsy and Spider. I was a little sore from last night that had Talon smirking, but it didn't stop him and Spider from wanting to take Gypsy, Shane, and I out shopping. Warden let everyone keep what they took from the safe houses and the guys want us women to declare how the money gets spent. Gypsy came down looking tired but happy and Spider had a satisfied smirk on his face. "Let's go get some breakfast and much needed Starbucks," she said while linking her arm with mine.

They took us out for breakfast and I sat next to Talon, noticing Gypsy wasn't able to sit comfortably. I smiled softly, knowing the feeling. "So what is going on with you two," I asked them. Were they together? Were they friends with benefits? "Spider has convinced me to stay even after the holidays as his woman," Gypsy said and I was so excited. It was good to finally have my friend pick a place and stick to it. I then turned to Talon, "How is your sister adjusting to being here?" "She is happy and even got a job at the grocery store," He told me. "Rogue's been keeping tabs on Dexter, ensuring he stays away. A lawyer is even helping her get divorced without having to see him during the whole ordeal." I smiled, "That's good to hear." I had gone and saw her the other day and she was still in the process of getting settled and buying furniture. She had kept some off the pieces I had but most I donated or put in storage. My books were in storage as well and I had a huge problem with that, but it's not like I had much choice since there isn't any room in the room I was sharing with Talon.

We then began to talk about Christmas and other things when bullets began to fly through the window. I went to cover Shane with my body, feeling pain hit me. Unable to handle it, I fell to the floor, everything becoming hazy. I saw Gypsy on the floor, blood beginning to pull under her. Spider was on top of her, neither of them moving. I could hear Shane screaming, and someone yelling to call an ambulance and Warden before everything became black.

Rogue's POV

When I got the call I flew out and went straight to the hospital. River and Rose sat in the hall, River holding Shane. Several others in cuts were standing around. "Rogue, I told you not to come," River said standing. "I gave him permission," Weasel, Caged Beasts' VP. "Any word," I asked him. He shook his head, "No."

"They weren't the only ones attacked today. Many of them were out Christmas shopping with their families. We lost a few brothers, some lost their women, one even lost a child. Innocents were even hit and killed in this madness," He informed me. "We lost our President and his old lady today as well." Meaning he was now President, and if Talon lived, he would be VP.

I took Shane from River and held him, my back against the wall. "Are you still gonna take care of them if he doesn't make it," Weasel asked me, meaning Talon had told him. I nodded, "I'll be turning in my cut and moving here if that happens." He nodded and we all became silent. Waiting for someone to tell us something.

Eventually River took Shane back to her place so he can sleep and eat. I needed a cigarette.

I went outside and Rose followed me. I sat on a bench and lit one. She sat next to me, bringing her legs up, her arms wrapped around them, "I used to think bikers used to be heartless bastards, but then I met Iris and saw how she looked at Talon with such love and devotion. She defended him and his MC. I then saw the amount of men in cuts who were worried about not only Talon but also his two friends, Iris, and Shane. I saw how pissed they were about those they lost, and I saw how some weren't afraid to cry in front of the others over this shit." She wiped her eyes, "I was wrong about Talon and about all of this. The MC that attacked them, are what I thought bikers were, but Caged Beasts is a family. I-I need Talon to live so I can apologize. I need Iris to live so he can be happy because I know if he loses her, we'll lose our brother because he loves her so much. They both need to live cause Shane needs his parents." She covered her face with her hands and began to cry. I put my cigarette out and pulled her into my lap. She cried till her throat was raw and she couldn't anymore. She pulled back and looked at me, her make up running and eyes puffy. I wiped her face, wanting to tell her it was gonna be okay, but I couldn't make myself say the words, because to be honest we didn't know.

We went back inside and saw there was no change.

Eventually a woman came out with a clipboard, and we all straightened, fear gripping our hearts. "I'm sorry but the man you called Spider and the woman you called Gypsy, they didn't make it. We did everything we could but the bullets hit to many of their organs. Talon and Iris are still in surgery." She then went back into the OR.

Weasel slid down the wall, tears coming out of his eyes, his fists clenched in anger. "Spider was Talon's best friend," He informed Rose and I. "Gypsy was Iris's childhood friend. Neither are going to take the news well if they live."

I ran a hand through my hair, my gut and heart clenching. I sent up a silent prayer they made it. Then I would help Talon get the revenge he deserves.

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