Chapter 13

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Talon's POV

Gypsy was bouncy in her seat and Spider was smirking. Today we were visiting Sawyer and I had called in a few favors to ensure we got an hour alone with him. A doctor will also be on stand by for when we leave. We wont kill him, because we all agreed the idea of him rotting in here was a good one. He was a pretty boy and I know just how much the inmates here love pretty boys. I can't count how many I had heard be used when I was locked up. I was lucky not being born a pretty boy, Sawyer, not so lucky.

When we were taken to the waiting room the camera was cut and Gypsy sat down, propping her feet on the table. She wore the highest of heels, as if they were running shoes. The woman clearly didn't know the meaning of sensible. When the guard brought Sawyer in, he froze at the sight of us. The guard shoved him in and shut the door, locking it.

"Nice to see you Sawyer. Enjoying your stay here," Gypsy asked him sweetly. "What are you doing here," He asked. Gypsy pulled a piece of paper out of her pocket, "Two bruised cheeks, a split lip, a deep cut on the neck, and a knee that was torn to hell. All these are the physical injuries you gave to Iris. Let's not forget to mention when she burned her hand trying to get away from you, or the fact she felt violated and dirty after you forced yourself into her pants." Gypsy crumbled up the note. "Growing up you used to declare you wanted to be nothing like your father. You wanted a good woman and a good family. You wanted to be a good man. You had the good girl. You had the chance to have a good family but you signed that all away. When you realized you fucked up, you wanted to come and take it back. You were going to rape her, had the cops not shown up. At least all of the women your dad had were all willing and he still knew no means no. You were lucky she had already healed from giving birth to Shane before you felt on her the way you did, but if she was still healing and in pain from it, would you have tried to rape her then?"

He clenched his jaw but there was a glint in his eyes that had my blood boiling. She then gestured to me, "You know Talon here right? I dont know if you know this but he's a biker from the Caged Beasts MC. Everyone at that MC loves Iris and know she is his woman. Now you got lucky their President only let Spider and I come here for this little visit, but if you ever get out of here, it's best you leave town as quickly as possible." She then put her hand down, "Before I let these boys have their fun, we would like to know what thing. Did you enjoy what you did?"

He was silent and defiant. That was the only answer Spider and I were needed before we were on him. Gypsy's timer went off and we backed off, leaving him broken and bloody on the ground. He managed to get to his feet, smirking, "I can honestly say you're one lucky fucker. The only thing I loved about that woman was her love for sex. When you have one taste of her, shit will never be the same." Gypsy slammed her fist into his face, knocking him out.

Spider grabbed her before she could slam one of her killer heels into him. "Come on psycho, let's go," Spider said pulling her out with him. I followed, but stopped in the doorway to look back at him. He was breathing, and part of me wished he wasn't. I shook my head and turned away, leaving him for the guards to deal with.

Back at the compound Iris was taking a nap and Shane had just woken up. After changing his clothes and diaper I took him out of the room to let her sleep. The compound was quiet which was a rarity. Everyone was either at Church or gone to piss and moan they couldn't go with Spider and I.

I noticed Spider's bike was gone, neither he nor Gypsy around. I made Shane a bottle then took him to the couch. He looked up at me with eyes that were slowly turning from blue to green. He wasn't mine biologically, but I was blessed to have him.

My phone began to ring and I smiled when I saw it was my mom. She knew about Iris and Shane, but she didn't know just how much I cared about them.

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