Chapter 16

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Back home things were tense. It was clear the guys were keeping something from us. Only Gypsy seemed to have a clue, but she was staying tight lipped. It annoyed me to no end, but I understood. Tonight I got back to the compound, no bikes out front. Even Talon's new one was gone. All of the women were lounging around the common room, even the women who usually don't come around. All of their kids were upstairs. Connie handed me the baby monitor, and I could see the worry deep in her eyes. Gypsy sat on the couch, cleaning a knife Spider gave her. They had gotten really close and I knew she was feeling this just as deep as I was. Talon didn't even tell me he wasn't going to be home when I got home.

"Did they say anything," I asked Connie. To say she was pissed was an understatement, "Fuck no. They told us all to stay here, and that none of us were allowed to leave, and for me to tell anyone who comes home they're not allowed to leave either." "I say we all make them sleep out here tonight," One of the women said. "Or lock them out of the compound with a supply of blankets and pillows," Gypsy suggested. Connie shook his head, "It's supposed to rain." Gypsy smirked, "Even better." "Make them sexually frustrated and denied them," Another suggested. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a few bottles of wine and the bottle opener. I opened them and began to pass them around, not bothering with glasses. Gypsy turned on the music and we just let loose a little, trying to squash our worries. We came up with ideas and schemed at how we were going to punish the men. Some of the ideas were extreme but to be honest we were extremely angry. Talon usually tells me if he was going to go out and do a job or something dangerous. Tonight I got nothing! I would've been fine and thought maybe he was just having a night out with the guys since he got a new bike, but the fact we were under order to leave the compound made us all worry. None of the other women were told anything either.

"Come on Gypsy, quit being tight lipped," One of the women said. Gypsy sighed as she looked at the time. It was three in the morning. "Okay fine. The other day I heard Talon and Weasel talking about going on a fucking suicide mission and taking on Locked Jaw head on. Luckily I stepped in with a smarter idea and told them they should hit their money trains since Locked Jaw dealt with money and women. I told them I had some FED contacts that could shut it down, but none of them have come to me. I also told them the rumors I heard at the track where many other MCs gather in neutral territory. They were talking shit about Caged Beasts and I told them some of what I had heard. I think they came up with some plan to make shit go down and try and get their rep back."

I was furious, "And they didn't think to tell any of us?" "Of course they didn't," Connie said, "They're the men and it's their job to take care of shit." She had said it in a mocking tone. They all began to mock classic lines their men have told them. "This shit pisses me off, Spider should've fucking said something," Gypsy said as she began to pace in her high heels. I took a big swig of wine before passing the bottle to Connie. "How bad has this shit with Locked Jaw really gotten," A woman asked. "We don't know. Club business is club business," I mocked. "Aren't we part of the club," Another woman said. "We don't have cuts or patches," Connie told her. "You mean we don't have dicks," Gypsy corrected and they all agreed. Connie then smiled, "We can really show them who runs this club. Let's see how they are when things stop getting cleaned, and food isn't being cooked for them." "Yeah but how long for," I asked her. "Yeah we need to make sure our point gets across without pissing them off too much," Another woman agreed. "Just until your man apologizes to you," Gypsy replied. "Some maybe more stubborn and stupid than others and will have to suffer longer."

"And if they yell at us for it," Another asked. "Then you yell back telling them they shouldn't go do something dangerous without telling you something. Did any of them kiss you good bye and tell you they loved you before they left tonight," I asked them. Many looked down and shook their heads. "Exactly. I really don't want Talon's last words to me be, don't worry about the laundry, which is what he told me before I left for work."

"I seriously dont want Spider's last words to be, hush woman dont worry about it," Gypsy mumbled. It was depressing and infuriating for all of us. Now we were stuck waiting to see who came home and who didn't.

Talon's POV

Spider and I sat down the crate of drugs we were moving. We found one of Locked Jaws many warehouses. They kept the drugs stored in fire proof crates and we're having to open them and toss them all into a pile. We were gonna douse it in gasoline and set it on fire. We were all split up in many of the warehouses we found, working as quickly as possible while they deal with an issue we caused at a few of their legal businesses. Funny how sending a couple cops who owe us can stir shit up.

When we got the last of it opened we soaked it in gasoline. Then one of the others used a flamethrower to light it up. We got out of there quickly and met up at the rendezvous point. When we were all gathered we did a head count and were happy we didn't loose anyone. Warden then pulled out his phone and showed us a map, "They've got a few safe houses they store their weapons and cash at on the way back to our territory. I say we hit them up, take what we can carry then light them up too."

We had gotten all this information from a few Locked Jaw brothers who were very cooperative when they torture began. We all agreed and split up. I stuffed as much cash as I could into my saddle bag when we got to one. They shit they had stored in here was amazing. And it was ours for the taking. 

We jumped around from safe house to safe house taking what we wanted and torching the place when we were done. We didn't make it back to the compound till sunrise and we were all smiling in victory. Until we saw our women. None of them greeted us with warm smiles. Instead we got glares or eye rolls, or both. Iris came down ready for work and holding Shane. Gypsy took him and went to feed him while Iris walked past us and left.

"I haven't been in the dog house like this in years," Warden muttered. "Let's get the shit we got dealt with, then we'll deal with our women" We all agreed, went into Church.

"Fuck Gypsy is pissed," Spider said as he ran a hand through his hair. "Iris is too," I sighed. "How the fuck are we going to fix this?" "You wait for them to snap and vent, and they tell you the specifics of why they're made then you fix it," Weasel said but Warden shook his head. "Something tells me this is different. They banded together on this. I can honestly say, we're fucked, and not in a good way," he told us. "The longer they're pissed, the worse it's gonna be for us." "So we didn't tell them anything, is that really warrant enough for them to give us this kind of silent treatment," Spider asked. Warden chuckled, "Many things can warrant them to give us this treatment. Now we just have to figure out how to apologize." "And how the hell are we gonna do that," Spider asked. That was a question we all wanted the answer too.

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