Chapter 20

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My heart slammed in chest as I rode on the back of Talon's bike. We left Shane with River so we could meet with Locked Jaw. Today I would get to do the majority of the talking. It had been a decision the men and women of Caged Beasts had agreed on. One that shocked me. I guess it made sense to let me speak while the men stayed stoic and intimidating.

When we got to their compound we were glad to see many in Locked Jaw were there, including their women and children. The bikers flooded outside like a stepped on ant pile. "What the fuck do you want," One spat at us.

"To let you know just what you did," I said once I was off of Talon's bike. I then looked to the many men, women, and children of Locked Jaw. "A couple weeks ago, several of your members decided to come to our territory and shoot members of our club after we burned your drugs, took your cash, and took your guns. We didn't take a single life that night." My voice was loud and clear as I spoke. "You may think you won when you killed some of our men, but in reality you didn't." I then held up a picture of Gypsy, "Quin Garner, also known as Gypsy who was my friend and sister. She was called Gypsy because she loved to travel the world, not having a good place to call home and settle. She one day wanted to marry a good man and have a house full of kids. She was killed the day some of your members came and shot up a diner we were at. The morning she died she told me she finally found a home with Caged Beasts, and was gonna be one of the members woman's. She died at the age of thirty not getting to have that dream she wanted." I then held up a picture of Spider, "Spider, one of the Caged Beasts members. He was a loved member who was always quick to try and get us to smile. He was loyal and had a heart of gold. He had a crappy life with drugs and not having anyone. When he found Caged Beasts, he found a place to call home. He got clean. And then he found Gypsy, a woman he wanted to share his life with. A woman he loved. He died at the age of thirty three, not getting to even see where a future with his woman was gonna get him." I then held up a picture of Tank with his wife Miranda, and their daughter Sadie at her third birthday. "This is Tank, his wife Miranda, and their three year old daughter Sadie. Sadie told me she wants to be a ballerina when she got older, had even started to take dance lessons to make that dream become reality. She had even started reading, wanting to be super smart to make her mommy and daddy, and all of her aunts and uncles proud of her. She was killed while out with her parents. Tank died trying to protect them that day. Miranda killed herself two days later, unable to handle living without the two who were her everything." I told them and I could see the rift that had formed. I then held up a picture of Shane's carseat, the hole in it. "This my son's carseat. He is only a couple months old, and his life was almost ended by one of your bullets. Had I not taken the bullet in my back, he would've died. Had my old man not taken the bullet in his arm, I would've died. You carelessly fired your weapons not caring who you hit. There were fourteen other people who were killed that day as well, people who had no ties to us at all, except that they lived in our town."

I then held up a picture of Connie and Warden, "This is our President Warden and his old lady Connie. They were killed while out buying Christmas presents for their loved ones. Connie took care of the single mothers in our town, making sure they had everything they'd need, including someone to help while they're recovering. Warden protected and loved us all and gladly put his life on the line over and over again for us, his family. Connie and many of the old ladies were the ones who organized our seasonal events, that many of you have enjoyed. Warden wanted to get through this war without blood shed because he felt in unnecessary. This war was started when you're men came and started a brawl, over territory, wanting to expand. You guys became so power hungry, you became oblivious to the innocents. This isn't including the hundreds of thousands of dollars to repair the damages you have caused. The money we took from you all, that was supposed to give many families in our town a good Christmas to make up for the crap they've had to go through because of this war. Instead we paid to bury the innocents who lost their lives because of your carelessness. Now then we are going to spare those of you who didn't play a part in these deaths. If this is not what you signed up for when you joined Locked Jaw, then I suggest you turn your cuts in and leave."

Many men began to take off their cuts except for a handful of them, who seemed pissed we had outed what we had done. I even saw some of the women take off their rings and throw them at their men. I then turned my back to them and walked away, getting on the back of one of the prophet's bikes. They took off quickly, trying to get me as far from there as fast as possible.

Talon's POV

Iris's words struck deep within all of us. Once everyone who was innocent was gone, we took out the ones responsible. It got bloody and violent, just how I wanted it to be while I vent out my anger at the loss of my friend and brother, at the pain of losing a woman who had become a fast friend to me and one my woman loved unconditionally, at the pain of losing a man and woman I loved and looked up too, at the pain of losing so many in general, at the pain of almost losing my son.

Even when it was over though, the pain was still lingering deep in my veins. We all went back home, and none of us said anything as we all went to our separate rooms. My beautiful woman greeted me wearing only a robe and the sound of the shower running. She took my hand, not caring about the drying blood, and lead me to the shower. She slid my cut off, laying it on the counter before helping me out of the rest of my clothes. She turned to throw them in the hamper and when she was done, I pulled her back to me. I untied her robe, and slid it down her arms, revealing her body to me.

It was scarred, covered in stretch marks, and so damn pure and beautiful. She was my woman. My Iris.

She pulled me into the shower, grabbed the soap. She gently washed my hands free of the blood that stained them. She knew what I did and she didn't balk or run in fear. Instead she gave me her love, and her kindness. Most important of all, she gave me her smile. None of those things I deserved, but I will cherish them forever.

When my hands were free of blood she looked up at me and smiled, blowing my mind. I buried my hands into her hair, kissing her like my life depended on it. She gladly returned it, wrapping her arms around my neck. I lifted her, not caring about the pain in my arm. I needed my woman.

Not caring if the water was still running. I laid her on the bed and entered her. It was rough and hard, something we both needed as we kissed with desperation, as she clawed at my back. We couldn't just go the one round. The hunger in us was as if we had been starving. She then flipped us so she was on top. The first rotation of her hips had my head thrown back a curse leaving my lips. She rode so beautifully, knowing just how to get me to say and moan like she wanted me too.

When she came she braced her hands on my chest, her walls clamping hard on my cock. My hands gripped her hips as my own orgasm was triggered. Panting we both laid down. "I love you Talon," she said so sweetly.

It was the final thing to break me. I closed my eyes as the tears came forth. She pulled me so my head rested on her chest, her arms wrapped around me. My large body covered hers, but she didn't care as she held me, while I finally let out the dam of emotions I had kept inside for too long.

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