Chapter 21

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I smiled as I looked at Talon's wrapped gift. I had finished his quilt three days ago and he was now curled up in bed with it, taking a nap after staying up all night with Shane who had run a fever and had a runny nose. Ever the devoted father, stayed up all night, not letting me step in to help. He said I'll get the day shift, and to go back to bed. Now they're both asleep and I finished wrapping my presents.

There was a soft knock and I went to open the door. Rogue was on the other side, no longer wearing his cut. He had taken it back, saying it was best he moved closer to his family. He was now being considered to be brought in as a prophet, of course he doesnt know that.

"Theres a woman here to see you," he told me. Confused, I followed him downstairs to the common room. I nearly stumbled when I saw it was my mother wearing an expensive white Calvin Klein suit, her diamond earrings large, and large expensive handbag. "Honestly Iris, couldn't you have presented yourself better," she chastised when she saw me in my faded jeans, purple v neck long sleeve tshirt, and my hair in a messy bun. "How did you find me," I asked her. "I had Hollin find you. Your assaulting an officer made it easy," she told me. I crossed my arms, "Why?" "I heard what Sawyer did, and then I heard about what happened to Quin. I think it's time you and Shane come home," She told me.

I busted into laughter, probably sounding like I had gone mentally insane. "Home? That stopped being my home when I threw my life away remember," I asked while using air quotes around 'threw my life away'. "You didn't come see me when I had Shane. You didn't even give me a congratulations for bringing a freaking life into this world. Now you want me to come home? Do you have dementia or something? Because I'm pretty sure you slammed the door in my face after saying for me to find somewhere else to live." I then gestured with a hand at the compound, filled with bikers watching, "This is mine and Shane's home. And if you think you can find a way to force me from here, you'll have to go through not just Shane's father, but every biker in this room, including their wives. This is my family now mother."

"You dont belong here with this riff raff," She told me. I scoffed, "Riff raff? Did you forget that you were once a prostitute before you met the sperm donor that helped you create me?" I then made a face of fake shock, "Oops, I forgot, the world isn't supposed to know the dark past of the perfect Margret Ray." I then gave her a straight face, "Just leave mother. We've been through enough crap, and I seriously don't need you to add to it."

She composed the rage I knew she was feeling towards me outing her past like that, "Tell me Iris, what has this life given you besides getting that friend of your put into a coffin?" "Its given me things you have never had. I have a man who loves me to the point he didn't hesitate to take bullet for me. I have a family who was all up and ready to kill Sawyer when he tried to rape me. Heck when I was recovering during that time and Talon was at work, they all took care of Shane. You cant get a family so devoted like that anywhere else. I've given up on hoping that you would love and care for me the way I do for Shane." I told her. "You stuffed me in pageant dresses, paraded me around trying to tell the world you had the perfect daughter. You forced me into gymnastics and cheer leading, and even though it was all fun, it's not me. I am a woman who enjoys riding on the back of my man's bike, hanging around in baggy clothes while drinking a beer, not having to worry if the world saw me without make up. I'm sorry I'm not like you. I'm sorry I'm not flaunting some sugar Daddy's money and shopping in Beverly Hills every day. I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment to you. I am who I am, and you need to accept that or get lost. Because I don't need that kind of negativity in my life."

Her eyes became cold, "I am sorry I can not accept that you are what my daughter turned out to be like." God it stung. More than I would like to admit, and everyone who knew me could see that, and unfortunately for her, that was everyone in this room. She turned on her heel and began to walk away.

"Hey Margaret," I called out to her. She turned to look at me. I smirked and held up my middle finger, "Go do what you're best at, and suck it." Her jaw dropped and I went to turn around to go back upstairs but stopped when I saw Talon. He smirked at me with a chuckle and my face felt so hot and I knew it was red. He came down till he stood lower on the steps and kissed me. "I think you've been hanging around us bikers too long," he said with a chuckle. "Its clear we've started to rub off on you." I rolled my eyes as I couldn't hold back the smile.

"You're going to be so much better off without her," He told me. "You know that right?" I nodded, "I know." He smiled, "Good."

Talon's POV

Iris was laying on the couch, a sleeping Shane on her chest. After her mother was gone, Shane woke up and she beat me to him, declaring I needed more rest and that she has him. Now they're both asleep. Weasel sat next to me at the bar, "How you holdin' up?" I nodded, "Thanks to them, I'm doing good. And you?" I took a drink of my beer as I waited for him to answer. "Better than I thought. Part of the reason we're all doing better is thanks to that woman of yours," he told me. I nodded, knowing she had comforted some of the others. She held them while they cried, took care of several of the kids, who's parents needed a moment to grieve.

"Has she grieve properly," he asked me softly. I nodded, "Yeah. Cried for a week straight. Then she picked herself up knowing she wasn't alone and wanted to help where she can." He nodded, "She's an amazing woman." I smiled softly as I nodded, "That she is." "Cant believe she came from a woman like that," he said with a chuckle. I smiled softly, "That's thanks to her grandmother. She and Iris had been close and she is the reason Iris is who she is today." And I silently thank that woman every day even though I didn't know her. She was important to Iris and that's all that mattered.

I heard Shane begin to wake up, but before I could get up, Turk and his old lady took him from Iris's chest. "Someone needs a diaper change," she cooed as they walked away. Welp I wont see my son for a while. I looked back to Iris who rolled over to her side.

I shook my head before finishing my beer. "So what are we doing for Christmas," I asked Weasel. "Well the women still plan to have our annual gathering. They said if Connie were here, she'd be pissed if we didn't have it. Bad enough the Christmas stuff wasn't done this year. If I'm not mistaken they plan on doing something for Valentine's Day, a dance of sorts or something like that." I chuckled, "With them, who knows." He nodded in agreement with a chuckle.

He then looked at Iris, then looked back to me, "What are your plans now?" I smirked as I stood, "I have a few ideas." And they'll stay with just me until the time was right.

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