Thank You.

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Thank you guys so much for reading this. Thank you for the comments. Thank you for the votes. Thank you for even reading it in general. I enjoy reading your comments and although I don't reply, just know I'm religiously checking my notifications to see how you guys react to my latest chapters.

For those of you who dont know, I'm working on Pure Evil. It's much different from this one. The main female leads are polar opposites and you easily figure that out in the first chapter. It is an MC book and its probably gonna be much different from all of the ones I've done recently.

I am enjoying writing MC books and I will continue to write more. No clue if I will do series or continue to just do stand alones.

For this book I may do a confession page of things I almost did and didn't do. Would you guys like that?

Also I am doing a Q&A and I will stop taking questions for it on May 17th so if you have anything you want to ask me PM me. I will tag you when I answer it unless you ask me to do it anonymously. The sky is the limit with your questions, be it about my books, my writing, my covers, or even my personal life.

Again thank you guys so much. 

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