Chapter 6

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I was holding Shane when my phone rang with an unknown number. It was super later and I wondered who would be calling my so late. "Hello," I said when I answered. "Hey Iris, its Spider," he said a little nervously. "What's wrong," I asked him. "We had an incident at the job we were doing, and Talon was shot," he told me. I couldn't breathe, "Is he okay?" "He's lost a lot of blood, and they're not sure he'll make it through the night. If he does then they believe he'll make it," he told me.

"I'm on my way," I told him. "I figured you would say that. I sent a friend to watch Shane for you," he told me. "They should be there soon."

After that he hung up and I put Shane down and got ready. I had just put on my shoes when the doorbell rang. I answered the door and saw a woman with gray hair, bloodshot eyes, and a kind smile. "I'm Connie, the president of the club's wife," she introduced. I let her in, "Thank you for coming. I just fed him and he has formula on the counter. His room is the first door on the right upstairs. I hooked up the baby monitor downstairs and got the bed ready for you." She grabbed my shoulders and made me look at her, "Honey, calm down." My eyes filled with tears, "I'm trying. I'm trying really hard." And I was but it's hard because Talon may not live to see tomorrow. She kissed my cheek and I left.

I got to the hospital and saw Spider sitting outside of a hospital room with a few others. Spider's pants were covered in dust and he looked like crap. He stood when he saw me. He pulled me to him and I tried to hold back the tears. "He is awake right now, so he's meeting with a lawyer, discussing his will in case he doesn't make it," he told me. I pulled back and wiped my tears away. I hated that I had to wait outside.

An officer came over to us and Spider became tense. "Are you Iris Ray," The cop asked me. I nodded, "I am." "Mind I ask you some questions," he asked me. I went with him out of ear shot. "Is it true you're Mr. Macison's girlfriend," he asked me. I nodded, "Yes." "We believe he was involved in an illegal weapons deal when he was shot," he told me. "Do you know anything about that?" I shook my head, "He just went out for a ride with his friends tonight." "Do you know anyone who would want to hurt him," He asked me next. "Try looking into Locked Jaw. They have it out for Caged Beasts and this town," I told him. "They all have alibis," He said with a shake of his head. I scoffed, "Really? I highly doubt you had time to check all fifty plus members of their club. I've had to deal with the police and their alibis checking, that takes hours because you have to get concrete proof. So dont feed me crap. If you're looking for other suspects to widen the search for who did this to him, then just say it." He nodded, "Okay. Is there anyone else?" "My ex-husband might have a hand in it," I told him. It was a possibility. He's hired thugs to do it his dirty work, why not a rival MC? "Name," he asked. "Sawyer Jennings. He had come to my house yesterday, demanding I give him my son. Talon stepped him, wanting him to leave. Spider also saw him there as well. He's hired people to do his dirty work before, I wouldn't be surprised. Now are we done? I'd like to go see him." I saw the lawyer and one other leave the room. He looked over his shoulder then looked back at me annoyed. "Where were you when he was out," He asked and I wanted to snap. "At home with my infant son. No, no one was there with me. No I didn't leave. And you can ask Mrs. Parsons across the street who has had a pair of binoculars stuck to her face ever since Locked Jaw vandalized our neighborhood. I dont think shes slept since it happened. Now if you'll excuse me officer." I moved around him and went to Talon's room.

His eyes were barely open. Stubborn biker, I thought as tears came to my eyes. He gave me a small smile, "I'm sorry Iris." I pulled a chair up to his bed, "There's nothing to be sorry about Talon." "I made you cry," he whispered. I smiled softly, "I'm just worried about you Talon." 'Where's Shane," He asked me. "He's with Connie," I told him. He nodded, "We'll get through this." I nodded, "Yes we will."

After that I told him to get some rest. I refused to move from the chair, in case he woke up again or in case he left me. My chest hurt every time I thought about him not making it. I turned my thoughts away from those thoughts to others.

It was shortly after sunrise when Spider came in, dark circles under his eyes. "Didnt sleep," He asked and I shook my head, "No." He ran a hand through his hair, "Neither did I." He sat in the other chair, "I stayed out there in case Locked Jaw wanted to finish what they started. Warden just came and is now taking watch out there. He's Connie's husband."

I nodded, "Had anyone else been hurt?" He nodded, "A couple, mostly just scrapes and bruises though." I nodded and looked back at the bed. "The nurses haven't said anything all night anytime they came to check on him." "They just dont want to get your hopes up," He told me. I nodded, "I know."

We fell into silence, too tired and too worried to say anything. Eventually Spider fell asleep in the chair, but I hung on. I just had to know if he was going to make it.

It wasn't until later that evening when Talon finally woke up. I was a little jittery because of the amount of coffee I had trying to stay awake. He gave me a soft smile, "I'm still here." Tears came to my eyes as I nodded, "Yeah you are." I let the nurse know he had woken up. They had a doctor come and check out his wound and asked him a few questions. He was alert and answering them easily. "You had lost a lot of blood, but you were lucky the bullet hit mostly tissue and muscle. Your body seems to be no longer in shock from the blood loss which is a very good sign. We're going to keep you another day or so if you show no complications. We'll have you meet with the physical therapist tomorrow and come up with a schedule for you to do your therapy. While at home, rest as much as possible, and don't over work yourself." Talon nodded and the doctor left. He then looked at me, "Did you get any sleep?" I shook my head, "Not really." "Have you gone home," He asked me. I shook my head again, "No. Connie brought Shane here earlier today and then she took him back to the compound." "How much sleep has he gotten," He asked, while gesturing to Spider. "He fell asleep shortly after eight this morning. He's stayed in that position the entire time though so he's gonna be sore when he wakes up," I answered. "You need to get some rest," He told me. I gave him a tired smile, but didn't say anything. Spider then chose that moment to wake up.

He groaned while putting a hand behind his neck and moved his head. He then stopped when he realized Talon was awake, "Note to self, it's gonna take more than a bullet to take you down." They chuckled while I rolled my eyes. Spider then looked at me, "You're still awake?" I  nodded, "Yeah." "Can you take her to the compound so she can get some sleep. I don't want her home alone with how tired she is," Talon asked him. Spider nodded and stood, "Yeah but let me go call Warden first." He got up and left the room. "I see I get no say in this," I muttered. "I'm alive and doing well Iris. You need sleep." I huffed and ran a hand through my hair. It was in need of a hair brush and shower.

Spider came in, "Warden is having Maverick come pick us up. We'll be out of your hair when he texts me. Do you want us to put her in a guest room or in your room?" "It's fine if she stays in mine," He told him. God I was too tired to even take part in the conversation.

Talon's POV

Iris had such dark circles under her eyes. It was clear she hadn't been asleep since the night before the incident. "The police are gonna ask you questions soon. We had all said we were out for a late night ride," Spider told me. "Well, I don't know what they asked Iris, but it was clear the cop didn't like her answers." "He has talked to me several times," She said around a yawn. "He definitely doesn't like me now after the last time I saw him today. The first time he was accusing you and the others of an illegal weapons deal. I told him you were just out for a late night ride." She had willingly lied to the police for us. She knew I had a job tonight, and by law she should've told him that, but instead she covered for us.

When Maverick arrived she got up and came over to kiss my cheek. She left the room with Spider following as Warden came in. "How are you holding up," he asked as he sat in the chair Iris had sat in for hours. Since it was just us, I let how tired and how much pain I was in show. "I'm so tired and this shit hurts," I told him. I then told him what the doctor said. He nodded, "At least you wont be stuck here long. Granted Iris is probably going to kill you once you're well again." I nodded, "I had that same thought. Any idea how I can avoid death?" "Well Iris isn't your typical girl, so you're on your there boyo," he said. I sighed, "Thanks." God I was screwed.

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