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"Quincy Reece Macison!" I yelled. "Shane Dawson Macison!" They've really done it now, I thought. Talon and I leave for our anniversary and the boys thought it would be a good idea to throw a party. Granted they're in college and of drinking age, but this is my house! I knew it wasn't the girls because both of them were with their friends.

Talon stood in the foyer of our large house, trying to hold back his laughter. The house was cleaned, and no sign of a party, but when you live with an MC and many of the guests were their kids, things easily got back to us. I marched up the stairs and banged on Shane's door that had one of those, Keep Out, signs on it.

Shane knew about Sawyer, knew everything really. He told us he had a feeling Talon wasn't biologically his dad, but he didn't care. No matter what Talon has gone to every sporting event, every choir concert, art show, you name it, he was there. And so was I.

Shane opened the door just a crack, "H-Hi mom. Back so soon?" "Shane Dawson you get your butt downstairs this instant," I told him and he ran downstairs. I then turned to Quincy's door and he opened it, throwing his arms around me, "Mommy! I love you." He then gave me a big kiss on the cheek. "Get your butt downstairs Quincy Reece," I told him. He ran downstairs, fear in his eyes.

We named Quincy after Gypsy and Spider after we learned we were having a boy. Reece had been Spider's real name and I thought it was fitting to name our son after them. He was so much alike the people we named him after it was scary. A year after Quincy, we had Elain. She was sweet and quiet. Unlike our youngest daughter, Maxine. She and Quincy will be the death of my patience.

I went downstairs where the two seemed to be trying to get their stories straight while Talon chuckled softly at me. I shot him a glare and it only caused him to laugh. "Keep it up and you'll be sleeping on the couch," I threatened. His smile dropped and he cleared his throat, getting our sons attentions.

"Who's idea was it to throw the party," I asked them. "Mine," Quincy confessed. "Shane tried to stay in his room until his friends showed up and dragged him out." "So instead of calling us, you let your brother continue to throw the party," I asked Shane. "I called Uncle Rogue," He said. "Before or after Fred and Barney got in the fight," I asked. Fred and Barney, Turk's sons. They have good hearts, but they loved to piss each other off. "After," Shane said with a sigh.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, "I get you both are in college and want to have fun. Trust me, your Aunt Gypsy and I had gone to plenty of them." "Is that when she convinced you to get your nose pierced," Quincy asked me. I nodded, "Freshman year, drunk beyond belief and I thought it was a good idea. I knew next time to get piercings done while sober." I then shook my head, "Quit getting me off topic. For your punishment, you're giving me the keys to your bikes for two weeks." Like their father, they fell in love with motorcycles. Treated them like their babies. Our daughters were no better with their Ducatis. Talon had also taught me how to ride, but I didn't have a bike, preferring to sit behind Talon on his anytime we go out.

They got to their feet. "Not our bikes!" Quincy complained. "Take the ones for our cars!" Shane said. "Key," I told them calmly. They grumbled and went up the stairs then came back down with them. They put them in my hand then went back up to their rooms to go sulk. I put them in my pocket then turned to Talon.

He pulled me to him and kissed my cheek. For twenty two years this man has been my husband and I was the luckiest woman in the world. He bought me a house with more than enough room for my books and our family. It was a beautiful two story house with grey brick exterior and a massive pool in the back. There had been a massive room with ten foot high ceilings and Talon had built me some custom bookshelves that went wall to wall. Special lighting had even been installed, making them perfect. It had been a gift for my birthday. He had tarped up the room and refused to let me in there for months. It was well worth the wait though.

He took my hand and lead me to our media room. He laid on the couch and pulled me on top of him. I sighed, feeling happy, and at peace. Until Maxine got home.

"I'm home beaches!" She yelled out when she came into the house. "Max, dont be so loud," Elain told her. "You could wake the dead." "Lets make the Walking Dead happen, alright!" Maxine told her. Talon chuckled softly, "Never a dull moment, that's for sure."

I smiled up at him, "I wouldn't have it any other way."

Talon's POV

I went up the stairs and knocked on Shane's door. I heard his yeah, then went in. I tossed him the keys to his bike. "How did you convince mom to give them back," he asked me. "You and Quincy are going to be getting patched in soon and will need them," I told him and he smiled. "Thanks dad," he said. "It comes with a price though," I told him. "You and your brother have to wash every bike at the compound tomorrow."

"But it's supposed to be over a hundred degrees outside tomorrow," he said in shock. I chuckled, "Sounds like a personal problem." I left the room and went down to the patio where Iris was lounging in a bikini drinking a beer.

She became more and more beautiful after every kid we had. What I loved even more was that she wore her stretch marks and what she calls her muffin top, with confidence. She brought life into this world and that was something worth flaunting. I took her beer and took a drink from it.

She smiled up at me. "You spoil those boys," she told me. "Maybe even more than the girls." "They need their bikes baby," I told her. "Mmhmm," she hummed. "Now about that deal you made with me to get their keys back."

I chuckled, "I am forever at your mercy." I bent down and kissed her lips. It was soft at first but then it became more filled with passion. Even after twenty two years she still gets to me like she did when we first met.

"I love you Iris Macison," I whispered against her lips. "I love you too Talon Macison."

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