Chapter 12

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Gypsy looked over my injuries, making mental note of what she wanted to do to Sawyer. She then hugged me, "I'm sorry I didn't ignore your protests and not come down when you needed me." I rolled my eyes, that was a new one. "Gypsy, I meant it, and still do, I'm a big girl," I told her. She then held me out at arm's length, "Honey, you look you were in a car accident, and the air bag slammed into you at a hundred miles an hour." I rolled my eyes, "Its not that bad."

She then picked Shane up from his bassinet, "Thank God you got your momma's looks." She cradled him with a bright smile. Gypsy has always loved kids, wanting to one day have a large family of her own, but she said in order for that to happen she has to find a man great at sex or she'll just become a crazy cat lady. She had high standards, so I see the later being what happens for her.

She sat next to me on the bed, "So how are you and Talon doing?" I smiled, "We're doing good. He is the exact opposite of Sawyer, it's a really nice change." "So what are you two doing for Thanksgiving," she asked me and my face felt hot. "Well, his mom begged him to go to Thanksgiving this year cause she wants all of her kids home. He only would go if I and Shane went so I said yes," I told her. "Already meeting the parents? You've only been with him for a month," she said as she studied me. "Have you even had sex yet?" My face felt hotter, "No, but I have felt him with a hard on, and I can at least say he is very well gifted." I just dont know if my vagina was ready for sex yet. I know it takes six to eight weeks to heal but I only recently finished healing and haven't had my first period yet. I was not looking forward to that since my periods have always been so bad before I had Shane. I kept trying different birth controls to try and help with that since I was thirteen, but nothing helped. I was just cursed to deal with it forever.

I said as much and she nodded, "Okay I see your point. I forgot you only had Shane at the tail end of August. I can at least say he is a very good upgrade compared to Sawyer." I nodded in agreement with her, "That he is." "So tell me, is Spider available," she asked innocently. Well it was supposed to be innocent but she always had that tone when she felt like getting into trouble. "Yeah, but hes been looking for something serious," I told her. She made a huff, "Damn, and I was hoping for a good lay." I rolled my eyes, "Out of everyone, you want Spider?" She smirked, a wicked glint in her hazel eyes, "I can tell what he likes just by looking at him." "Careful or you might catch feelings," I told her. "Its very rare you find a guy you even want to have sex with." Gypsy has an easy heart. She loves with everything she has and doesn't hold back. She just keeps getting hurt and although I love Spider, I would really hate to have Talon cut off his man hood. I would do it myself, but I don't think Talon would appreciate me touching his friend in that area.

She sighed, "I didn't come here for you to look out for me, I came to look out for you." I rolled my eyes, "We look out for each other. That's what sisters do." She smiled, "Yeah it is."

Talon's POV

Gypsy was something else. Her hair wasn't pink anymore like it was in the photos I had seen. Now it black with streaks of blonde in it. Her hazel eyes spelled trouble and they instantly drew Spider in. That wasn't something I was comfortable with. Not because I didn't like the woman, but it was because Spider is Spider. Spider is an idiot who screwed up his last relationship because he doesnt know how to be in one. From the stories Iris has told me, neither does Gypsy and I didn't know if I wanted to duck for cover or grab the popcorn.

I went into the room as Gypsy was laying Shane down. She kissed Iris on the head before leaving the room. I laid down with a groan. "How was work," Iris asked sweetly. "Overloaded," I told her. The shop was filled with cars for people who were wanting check ups before hitting the road to go see family for the holidays. It was one right after the other, and I didn't even have the chance to stop for a break. "How was your day," I asked her. "Full of catching up," She replied and I nodded. "What did she say when you told her we were going to see my parents for Thanksgiving," I asked her. That was not something I was looking forward too. I didn't want to see my siblings look at me with distrust and possible hate. I knew my parents would love Iris, but I worried what my siblings would think of her. I wasn't gonna beat the crap out of my sisters, but my brother was another story. Okay I wouldn't do it in front of his kids, but once we were alone it would be open season.

"She thinks we're moving too fast," she told me. I could see her point. We've only been together since the beginning of October, and I was taking her to see my parents. Honestly though, this wasn't a normal relationship. We weren't two kids trying to figure out how to be together. We were adults who knew what we wanted. "What do you think," I asked her. She smiled and caressed my cheek, not caring it was a little sticky from sweat, "That we're just fine." I smiled and turned my head into her palm and kissed it.

"Now go take a shower, you stink," She told me. I laughed and got up, "Yes ma'am." After my shower I went to see Shane. He was wide awake staring at the mobile. I picked him up and sat with him on the bed. Iris leaned her head against my arm and I kissed the top of it.

"So has Gypsy asked about Spider," I asked her curiously. "She asked if he was available. I told her he was looking for something serious," She said with a small smile. "She was a little upset cause she was hoping for at least sex, but the fact she was interested means something. She's a hard woman to attract. Why did Spider ask about her?"

"No but he had a look that said he wanted her," I told her. I had given him some shit like he did when I found Iris. She giggled softly, "Those two are so unpredictable, I dont know what we would do if those two got together." "Start a special fundraiser to earn the money to be able to bail them out of jail as many times as needed," I said jokingly. She smacked my thigh and I chuckled. Okay they weren't that bad, but I wouldn't be surprised if we got a call to bail them out, and deep down I know Iris was thinking the same thing.

"How does your knee feel," I asked her. "It hurts like crazy. I thought trying to go to the bathroom was going to kill me," she said. "And getting the first aid kit when it started bleeding again." Part of me feels she should've had stitches, and when I brought it up to the club's doc, he said they didn't because if they had and she tear them open by bending her knee she could make her wounds worse. He suggested a brace over her knee to limit the movement but he having the friction on her bandage when the brace moved against it would only cause her more pain. The best thing was to just do what we have been.

"You could've texted someone to get it for you," I told her. "Its bad enough I need help with so much, I wanted to try and do it myself," she said. Then she looked a little nervous, "Bad enough I need help getting in and out of the bath since I'm not able to lift my leg very high or stand to take a shower." Her face became red, "I was wondering if you would help me with that." I nodded, "Of course I will." I knew why she was nervous, but I was honestly happy she asked me. I knew she wouldn't ask Gypsy because Gypsy wouldn't be able to lift her, and if she tried on her own, she could end up hurting herself more. She already struggled with dressing and undressing without her balance, I didn't want to imagine the issues she would have trying to simply get in the bathtub. I knew it pissed her off, but there wasn't much she could do.

I laid Shane down then went to pick her up. I sat her on counter and began to get the bath ready for her. "What do you need now," I asked her. "F-For you to help me get undressed," she said and I smiled softly. I helped her stand on her good leg and she held on to my shoulders for support. I held her hips so she could take off her shirt then her bra, releasing her large breasts that were decorated in stretch marks. Her stomach wasn't flat, and I was more than okay. Her stomach had stretch marks and she had what women refer to as a muffin top. She was a breathtakingly beautiful goddess who brought a child into this world, so to me it wasn't a muffin top. It was beauty.

I placed a kiss on her stomach before standing. I kissed her cheek, "One day I will kiss every stretch mark on your body." I put a water proof wrap over her bandage before picking her up and placing her in the water. She sighed as she relaxed into the water. "Thank you Talon," she said while looking up at me, her face still in a crimson blush. I kissed her lips, "No thank you Iris for gifting me with the chance to see something so beautiful." I kissed her again," Just let me know when you're ready." She nodded, "I will." I left the bathroom, making sure she didn't see the raging hard on I had.

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