Chapter 11

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Ugh I hurt so much. Yesterday Talon was deemed healed enough to go back to work at the shop so today it's just Spider and I. He plopped down on the bed next to me smiling like a weirdo. "What," I asked him. "You're stuck with me today since old bird claw is gone at work," He told me. He then looked at the quilt I was working on since Talon wasn't here. "Special gift for Talon," He teased me. My face became red, "I plan on giving it to him for Christmas." I had Connie get me an embroidery pattern of the club's patch and one of Talon's patch, so I could put it on the quilt with Talon's name between the two patches. The top part was blue and the bottom part was going to be a stone grey color. I had one I was working on upstairs for Spider that was black and red. "How long does it take you to make these," He asked me. I shrugged, "It depends if I have anything else to do that day. Plus I usually use a sewing machine to make the main part, but with my knee that isn't gonna happen, so I have to sew it all by hand." I had only started it, so it was going to take me a while. Especially since their quilts are much bigger than the ones I usually make. With me being out of work this week, I'll be able to get the majority of their quilts done. Especially since I have so much help with Shane.

He then looked at the TV Talon had put in the bedroom, "What are you watching?" "Say Yes To The Dress," I told him. I enjoyed watching the bridal shows. "What was your wedding like," He asked me. "Planning it was a nightmare," I told him. "I didn't really plan any of it, my mother and Sawyer did. I didn't even get the dress I wanted." I reached over and grabbed my phone and scrolled through till I found the pictures from my wedding. "You look like a Cinderella reject," He said with a chuckle as he looked at the awful ball gown style I had worn. "I thought so too," I told him. "I see you still wore your nose ring back then," He said. "I had stopped wearing them, but I did for my wedding because I wanted to have something that was picked by me besides my maid of honor," I told him. "Who's that," He asked when he got to a picture of my pink haired bestie. "That is Quinn," I told him. "She's my best friend. If I'm not mistaken she's in Hong Kong right now getting a first hand experience with the culture their. I nicknamed her Gypsy since she never is able to stay in one place for long. She was the one who convinced me to get my nose pierced." He chuckled, "So when do we get to meet her?" "Shes coming back for Christmas," I told him. "She was gonna come down when she found out Sawyer and I were getting a divorce because I was pregnant. I convinced her not to because I didn't want her to get arrested for killing him." "Does she know about this," he asked gesturing to my injuries. I shook my head, "I really dont want a Gypsy tornado coming in here with a pitch fork and torch demanding his head." I could see the lightbulb go off on his head and he was up and out with my phone. I would've yelled after him but I was handicapped right now.

Spider's POV

I locked the door of my room and scrolled through her contacts. When I found it I hit call. "This better be a good reason for calling me in the middle of the night," a woman said sleepily. "Hi this is Spider, we dont know each other but we have a common friend and a common enemy."

There was a banging on my door, "Spider give me my phone!"

"You see two days ago, our common enemy, Sawyer, hurt our common friend, Iris, who I call little momma," I told her. "Hurt her how," She asked, sounding wide awake now. "Spider!"

"Sawyer sexually assaulted and beat her. She didn't want to tell you, declaring you'd come in with a torch and pitch fork, and I feel a pitch fork wielding lunatic is what we need when Talon and I go visit him." I told her. I could hear typing on a keyboard, "I'm getting on a plane in an hour, and I'll be there. Now put my bestie on the phone."

I opened the door and held out the phone, "She wants to talk to you." Her eyes widened as she took the phone. "H-Hey Gypsy." The woman on the other end began yelling and Iris looked down like she was a child being scolded. "I just didn't want to go to your court hearing and testify against you for murdering him," Iris said with a sigh. "I love you too. I'll text you the address of where I'm staying," She said then hung up. She glared, "Thank you for that." I chuckled, "You're welcome." She began to limp away grumbling things under her breath. I came up behind her and scooped her into my arms and she huffed while crossing her arms, refusing to look at me. I placed her in the bed, "Cheer up little momma, at least your friend is coming home." She sighed, "Yeah I know."

I re-bandaged her knee since she doesnt know how to walk without bending her knee and opening her wounds. After that I became her and Shane's slave. She put the quilt away that she working on shortly before Talon got back. I passed Shane to him, "Now that you're here and able to take care of them, she doesn't need me so I'm gonna go before she kills me." He raised an eyebrow at me, "What did you do?" "He called Gypsy and told her what happened, now she's on her way here," Iris grumbled. He chuckled, "I wanted to call her but Iris put her foot down, and I didn't feel like sleeping on the couch in the common room. So run while you have the chance, I'll make sure she doesn't kill you." I clapped him on the back, "You're a great friend." I then left the room quickly, not really wanting to face Iris' wrath.

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