Chapter 19

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They're gone. It was the fourth thing I was told when I woke up. The first was that Shane was okay and with River at her house. The second was that Talon was alive and expected to make a full recovery. The third was that I was hit in my left arm and upper back between my shoulder blade and spine. The fourth was that Spider, Gypsy, Connie, and Warden had all been killed. To say I didn't handle that well was an understatement. Rogue had held me while I cried and screamed until a nurse came and knocked me out. They had to do it three times, and every time I simply wanted Talon to hold me. I knew he was hurting just as much as I was, if not more. Connie and Warden were like parents to many of the bikers, and to me. They were trying to simply buy gifts for their loved ones and were killed. To say that is messed was the understatement of the year.

What was even more messed up was that Gypsy had found a home! She was finally ready to settle because she found a man who actually loved her and now she couldn't have that. Spider couldn't have that! Spider came from an orphanage and had a messed up life in drugs and violence before he found Caged Beasts. He had a home. He finally had a family. And he finally found a woman he loved and wanted to share that with.

Gypsy was my best friend, my sister, and Shane's God mother. She was my rock who got me through the crap my mother put me through as a kid. She was the person I went too when I needed a hug when I've finally had enough of Sawyer and wanted to leave him. And she was the only person who cared about me and Shane until I met Talon.

Today was their funeral now that everyone was out of the hospital. Gypsy was gonna be laid in their cemetery because to them she was Spider's Old Lady. Talon laid his hands on my shoulders, "We need to get dressed." I eyed the black dress and it felt wrong. I nodded feeling numb and got dressed with Talon's help. I then went into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I opened the jewelry box that was Gypsy's and put in one of her nose rings. I then kept my make up light and natural before leaving the bathroom. I picked up the quilt I had finished for Spider, wanting it to be done before his funeral. I still wanted him to have it, even if I dont get to see him smile when I give it to him.

Talon ran a hand through his hair, his eyes looking dark. We've become distant, not really saying anything to each. I cant remember how long it's been since we've had a conversation. We try, but it's hard right now. The only time I've seen his eyes light up even a little is when he holds Shane. He spends a lot of time with Shane actually. He and Weasel had a talk apparently and it only made his mood worse so he is hiding something from me and wont talk to me about it.

We left the compound to go to the cemetery. There were too many caskets, including one that was too small to be lowered in a ground. Sadie Watkins, was only four when she was killed in this madness. Her father had died as well that day. Her mother took her life two days later, unable to handle the grief of losing the two people that meant everything to her. How many wore were we going to lose?

I could tell many were thinking the same thing as they looked at the opened coffins, the quilt I made for Spider covering the lower half of his body. This would be the only time I would be able to see him with it. Gypsy had a quilt I had made her many years ago covering her lower half. It would be the last time I saw her with it. My heart clenched and I wanted to just collapse and cry. They were gone! Our friends. Our family! Just gone.

Gypsy deserved to have that large family she dreamed of. Spider deserved to be happy with her. That little girl deserved to get the chance to go to college and have her dad scare off boys while her mother laughed and took pictures. None of this was fair! Caged Beasts didn't take a single one of Locked Jaws lives, just their money and guns. How on Earth does that equate to killing people? Killing a child no less?!

Once their coffins were lowered, and dirt being filled, I couldn't stand there anymore. "Excuse me," I whispered to no one in particular. I began to walk, not caring what direction I was going in. My back hurt and arm hurt but I ignored the pain. I wanted to cry, scream, and rage. Connie, Warden, Spider, and Gypsy, my friends, my family.

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