Chapter 22

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It was finally Christmas and everyone had gone all out, not wanting to keep the pain we felt for those we missed, stop us from celebrating. Kids ran around with the toys they got from Santa, everyone stood around and chatted, and Home Alone played on the big TV. Talon's parents and siblings had all been invited for Christmas and he was over the moon. Rogue wore his prospect cut with pride as he walked around. I knew it wasn't going to be long at all before he got patched in.

As soon as Talon's mom saw Shane she took him and it's been a couple hours since I've held my son. Talon was smiling and laughing with his dad and Weasel. It was nice to see him happy and laughing. It's been hard these past few weeks for the both of us so this was a nice change.

I wiped my hands on my apron, before looking around the kitchen. Many of the Old Ladies and I prepared a large dinner for everyone. With it ready we gathered everyone at the mile long dinning table we had. I sat next to Talon, Shane sleeping in a bassinet not far from us. Talon kissed my cheek, "You out did yourself Iris." I smiled, happy to see our large family smiling and enjoying themselves. Family was family, no matter what. If only my mother could have seen it that way.

After dinner and dessert we all left the dishes on the table, knowing they could be gotten to, later. Now it was time to open presents. I was so nervous about giving Talon's gift to him. So nervous I didn't put it in the pile because I knew if he saw it, it'd be the first he opened. Save the best for last, right? At least I hope he considers it the best.

I had a large pile of gifts in front of me, from everyone and I honestly didn't know what to say. Shane had an even bigger pile. Oh lord, I thought, when I had saw it all. Talon had a nice sized pile too and it was nice to see that.

When he got through his present pile, I then handed him my present to him. I had to keep the shaking from my hands or he'd be worried. He smiled when he took it and opened it. At the top were adoption forms. He was speechless as he looked them over. "Y-You want me to legally adopt Shane as my son," he asked, his eyes filling with tears of happiness. I nodded, "I wanted to make sure no one could ever question you." He took the forms out of the box and that's when he noticed the second item. A positive pregnancy test. He stared at it in wide eyed shock.

He then looked at me, "Are you serious?" I nodded with a smile, "Yeah."
He then took out the positive pregnancy for everyone to see. Everyone was cheering and congratulating us while Talon pulled me to him, kissing me. He poured all of his love and happiness into the kiss. When he pulled away the cheers died down, "That makes giving you my present so much easier."

I was confused until he got down on one knee, and pulled out a ring box. "Iris Ray, you are the most amazing woman in the world. You've met my demons and showed me nothing but love and kindness. You've given me a son and now we have another on the way. You let me claim you as my woman. Let me declare you as my Old Lady. Now I want to know, will you marry me and be my wife?"

Tears of joy and happiness filled my eyes as I nodded, "Yes Talon Macison, I will marry  you." He slipped the ring on my finger while more cheers went around the room. The ring was so simple and so beautiful. The diamond was shaped like a heart and the band was the twist style with smaller diamonds in the band. It was simple and perfect.

Later as the festivities died down Talon and I went to the porch. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me as close as possible, while putting his hands on my belly. "Thank you," He whispered. "You dont have to thank me Talon," I told him. "Yes I do, Iris. Without you, I would still be the cold hearted bastard that just fucked a woman for the hell of it," He told me. I smack his arm for his crude language, but he ignored it as he kept going, "But now you make me want to be a good man." He kissed my cheek, "I want to be someone worth giving everything that you have given me. I want to be a man you're proud to call yours." I turned in his arms to look at him, cupping his cheek. "You're that, and so much more."

He bent his head down and kissed me, "Merry Christmas Iris." "Merry Christmas Talon," I told him with a smile.

Talon's POV

I looked at Iris who slept so peacefully. She was carrying our child at this very moment. A child I loved more and more with each passing second. I then looked at the adoption forms she had given me. Shane was going to legally be mine. It would be more than just a claim. It would have legal documentation behind it. My son. And that was all thanks to this beautiful woman who would soon be my wife.

I planned on giving her the wedding of her dreams. She didn't get the chance to plan what she wanted when she married Sawyer, but now she will. We bikers may not know how to dress to the nines, but I know every one of them here would do it just to see her smile. She was the one that got the bikers to stop separating their families from the MC. She was the one that kept us together after everything that happened. She was not only my rock, but this club's rock.

I slipped from the bed, taking the forms with me. Weasel and a few others were sitting at the bar, having finished cleaning up everything. Weasel clapped me on the  back, "Congratulations man, you deserve it." I shook my head, "No I don't." "That right there, is why you do," He told me.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, "I worry I'm gonna wake up one day and find that this is all a dream." "If it is then it's one hell of a dream," He said. He was right, it was. I just wish Gypsy and Spider were here to share all this with, and I knew Iris did too. The most we could do though, is to just keep on living, for them, and for us. That's just what we were going to do.

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