Chapter 15

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I stood wearing a red flowing, long sleeve dress, that stopped at my knees. I was happy my face was free of the injuries Sawyer had given to me. My knee was still a little sore, but I was able to walk and work just fine. Many of the men get annoyed when I don't take it easy. I can't count on my hands how many of picked me up and sat me on the couch, and finish whatever it was I was doing. It was annoying. Talon came in as I was putting my hair up. He wore a nice button up with the sleeves rolled up, under his cut and nice jeans. "We wont make it if you keep giving me that look," He told me as his own eyes traveled up and down my body. He then went to the nursery where Shane was. He was dressed and ready, just needed to be put in his car seat. I finished getting ready and we left.

The drive was three hours and filled with us singing to the radio till we got to the small town Talon grew up in. He told me a few stories about the trouble he would get in. When we got to his parent's ranch I became excited when I saw the horses. He chuckled at my bright smile. When he parked the truck he was nervous and I laid a hand on his arm, "It's going to be okay." He gave me a soft smile before nodding and getting out of the truck. He got Shane and offered me a hand out of his truck. A man who looked like a much older version of Talon was on the porch with a man who also looked like Talon, but not as muscular. Two other men were on the porch, but I was going to guess they were his sisters husbands.

They all seem shocked to see Talon here. A woman wearing a yellow, brown, and white dress with a red apron covered in flour came out of the house. Talon put down Shane's carseat and caught the woman who practically threw herself at him. "My baby boy is home," She said as she held him. She then pulled away and wiped her eyes, and turned to me, "You must be Iris, it's so good to finally meet you honey. I'm Hilary, but you can call me mom." She then pulled me into a bone crushing hug. "I've heard so much about you." "Good things I hope," I told her as I returned her hug. She pulled back with a smile, "Of course dear." She then turned her attention to the carseat where Shane was sleeping, "Oh he is just so precious." She then took my hand while Talon picked up Shane's carseat again, "Let's go inside, dinner is almost ready." She made the men on the porch move so we could get inside. I could feel the tension and uncertainty come off of them in drowning waves. I knew that Talon did too, and I hoped things would become better by the end of the night.

Two women in the living room looked at Talon in shock when we came in. Even more in shock when they saw the carseat he was carrying. "You kids get settled," Hilary said before going to the kitchen. Talon sat Shane's carseat down by the couch, "Iris, these are my sisters, River and Rose." I knew from stories that River was the oldest of his younger sisters and had been his partner in crime when they were kids. Rose was the baby of the family and wore that title with pride. "This is my girlfriend Iris, and our son Shane." "He looks nothing like you," was the first thing Rose said. "That is because biologically he isn't mine, but I claim him as my son," Talon told her. "And if she leaves you," Rose asked him. "Then he is still my son," Talon told her. "Plus leaving him is never going to happen," I told her. Rose looked me up and down, lips pursed as she took in every detail about me.

"Ignore her," River said. "It's good to see you're alive and well Talon, and it's good to meet you Iris." At least one of his siblings is decent. "Where are the kids," Talon asked River. "They're out back playing," She told him. Rose scoffed, "Except Sonny's kids. Misty and him got a divorce because Misty couldn't keep her legs shut. She got custody and refused to let him have the kids for Thanksgiving. How does your baby daddy feel about you taking his kid away from him for the holidays?" I smiled sweetly, "Well since the reason we divorced is because he got me pregnant and he signed away his rights as the father, who cares how he feels? Plus he's in jail for sexual assault anyways." Talon put a hand on my lower back and kissed my head, not saying anything as he left the living room to go properly greet his dad. I was going to defend him till my last breath no matter what. Rose snapped her mouth shut, not knowing what else to say as River glared at her. River then gave me a soft smile, "Ignore her Iris. Rose is just pissy Talon is here. She doesn't trust him because he's in a motorcycle club." I rolled my eyes as I sat on the couch, "I'm sorry but that is bull crap. What's there to be scared of?"

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