Chapter 7

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I sat on his bed looking around his room. It definitely screams biker bachelor. He only had one real personal touch and that was his two guitars. One was electric and one was acoustic. I kicked my shoes off and crawled under the covers, smiling softly at the smell of his cologne before I fell asleep.

When I woke up someone was coming in. I rolled over I was shocked to see Talon. He smiled softly, "You slept all day and night yesterday." I grabbed my phone and saw he was right. It felt like I had just recently left the hospital. It was morning, the next day. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, "How do you feel?" He sat on the bed, "Like crap. I have a thirty minute wait for my meds to be filled and instead of waiting around I thought I'd come see you."

I smiled softly, and leaned on his good shoulder. He kissed the top of my head. There was a knock and I looked up and saw Spider holding Shane. Shane was wearing a pair of jeans, a white tshirt, a leather jacket, and a pair of black boots. His brown hair was wet and spikey. "What did you do to my son," I asked with a giggle. "I made him look awesome," Spider declared while handing him to me.

"He looks like you gave him a tongue bath," Talon said with a chuckle. Spider rolled his eyes, "Its just water." "We hope," Talon whispered and I couldn't help but laugh. Spider scoffed, "I'm not some animal." He then smirked, "At least not in that kind of way." It was mine and Talon's turn to roll our eyes. Spider chuckled as he left the room.

I laid Shane on the bed, and Talon poked his stomach, "Dont listen to Spider, he's a bad influence. Hopefully you didnt spend too much time with him." I laughed as I shook my head, "He's not that bad." Talon chuckled, "I know but I dont want Shane to like him more than me." I laughed again, "That will never happen."

"So I was thinking, that you and I should go out and get something to eat," He suggested. My stomach growled at the idea of food. "You just got out of the hospital and doctor said you should rest and relax." "Taking you both out is relaxing and resting," He told me. "At least that's how I rest and relax." I studied him with a raised eyebrow. I sighed, knowing he wont give up, "Okay, but first I need to go home for a shower and a change of clothes." He smiled brightly, "That I can do, but first let me take a shower and change." He kissed my cheek before grabbing some clothes and going into his bathroom."

I was playing peek-a-boo with Shane when there was a knock on the door. "Its open," I said. Connie and Warden then came in. I had met Warden when I first got here. He was a good man and his wife was such a wonderful woman. Connie looked at Shane's outfit confused. "Spider dressed him," I explained to her. "I leave him with the child for only a couple of hours," She said. Warden chuckled, "That's all that Spider needs." Connie smiled then looked at me, "How are you doing honey?" "I'm doing much better. I didn't mean to sleep for so long though, I'm sorry about that," I told her. She waved a hand, dismissing my apology, "Honey, you needed it. You already dont get much sleep and pulled a full twenty four hours worrying about Talon, its understandable. Had you come down, I would've sent you back to bed."

Talon came out of the bathroom freshly showered and shaved. "How are you doing Talon," Connie asked him. "Good now that I'm home," He told her. "So where are you going," she asked, seeing that he's wearing jeans instead of sweats, like most people who are resting wear. "I have a woman to take home so she can shower and change her clothes, and then we're going out to eat," Talon said while throwing his dirty clothes in the hamper.

"That's not resting," she told him, hands on her hips. I nodded, "Thats what I said." Warden chuckled, "The man has a woman and a son, there is no such thing as resting." Talon nodded, "Exactly. I have to make sure they're taken care of and happy." Connie and I shared a look then sighed in unison. Stubborn bikers.

Overnight the temperature dropped so I put on one of Talon's hoodies and it went to my knees. It was super soft on the inside and I liked that it swallowed me. He wasn't getting it back. He probably realized that too when he saw my smile after I put it on.

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