Chapter 5

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I woke up and rolled over, looking at the clock. I bolted up when I saw it was almost eleven and Shane hadn't woken me up. I put my glasses on and go downstairs. I peeked into the livingroom and saw Talon asleep with Shane on his chest, a protective hand under him. I smiled and snuck back upstairs to get my phone. I went back down and took a quick picture before going into the kitchen to start making breakfast.

I had just finished making the pancakes when Talon came in holding Shane. "Good morning," I said sweetly. He kissed my cheek, looking a little tired. "I made coffee," I told him while pointing to the coffee maker. He opened my cabinet when I pointed to where the coffee cups were. He pulled down my Slytherin cup and poured him some coffee while cradling Shane in one arm. "You didn't have to get up with him last night," I said as I finished making the bacon. "I wanted too. You dont get much sleep and I wanted to help you," he said then yawned.

I giggled and took Shane from him, going to lay him down so we could eat. I gave Talon a kiss on the cheek as I passed by him to fix our plates. I sat them on the table before going to get me a cup of coffee. After mixing in creamer and sugar I sat down.

He kissed my cheek and I smiled. We ate and then he did the dishes. "Mind if I use your shower," He asked me. "Not at all. Towels are in the hall closet across from the bathroom," I told him. I was on my way to go get ready when there was a harsh knocking on my door.

I opened it and saw Sawyer with a woman in a skimpy gold dress. I crossed my arms, "What are you doing here?" "I want my son," Sawyer said. I scoffed, "Oh now he's your son? Last I checked you sign your rights over so you wouldn't have to pay child support when we divorced." His jaw clenched and I knew his anger was about to show its ugly head. After all, no one tells Sawyer no, and gets away with it. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get ready to take my son shopping."

"Spending your boyfriend's money," Sawyer asked me. "I didn't think you had it in you to be a gold digger." I felt a hand rest on my back as Talon came up. Sawyer's eyes widened when he took in the massive size of Talon. "If you were smart, then you wouldn't say that about my woman again," Talon said, voice cold. "Talon, meet Sawyer, he said he was here for his son, but I honestly dont know what he's talking about."

"You know exactly what I'm talking about you bitch. Give me Shane," Sawyer snapped. "You signed over your rights. So you dont have a son anymore," I said as Talon stepped forward. Sawyer trembled in fear and anger. I then turned to the woman he was with, "Are you his fiance?" She nodded not knowing what to say. "Take it from someone who has experience when it comes to being with him. Run while you have the chance. He only wants you for your looks, and when they start to go, so will he."

A motorcycle pulled up and I looked around Talon, who looked ready to hit Sawyer, and saw Spider. I gave him a smile, "Hey Spider." He raised an eyebrow at the scene before him. "Spider this is my ex-husband, Sawyer. Sawyer this is Spider, one of Talon's many friends."

"I think it's best we leave," The woman said to Sawyer. "Not without Shane," Sawyer said while shrugging her off. She huffed, "I'll be in the car." Spider offered her a hand down the steps in her skyscraper high heels and she took it. She walked over to the Benz that was parked by Talon's truck. Spider then rested a hand on Sawyer's shoulder, "Iris here is a good woman. One that is loved by an entire club of bikers. You see that man? Talon here is a very respected member of our club and Iris is his woman. That alone makes everyone ready to hurt whoever threatens her. But throw in the fact we all like her, that means we'll do more than hurt you. So this is your only warning, leave now or you will get thrown out on your expensive suit covered ass."

Sawyer glared, then turned his glare to me, "I will be back for him." I smiled, "Good luck Sawyer, because I highly doubt these gentlemen will let that happen." He shrugged off Spider's hand and walked back to his car, slamming the door. I sighed, "Freaking jerk."

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