Chapter 14

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Talon's POV

I sighed, happy the shop was going to be closed for a week for Thanksgiving. I wiped my hands on a rag after closing the hood of Iris's car. I wanted to get the dent and scratches out of it to erase the memory of what happened. "Hey Talon you got a minute," Weasel asked, coming into my part of the shop. "Yeah what's up," I asked him. "So Warden had me look into those cops who came and roughed up Iris. Come to find out, they were paid off by Locked Jaw to rough her up a little to figure out her role here. Guess they wanted to see if she was your old lady or not." I nodded, my blood beginning to boil,"What do we know about Manny?" "They were telling the truth, Locked Jaw busted him out. He was the easiest member to get too thanks to the men Locked Jaw had on the inside. My money is that they're wanting information on our safe houses and shit," he said and I nodded again. Manny had been our VP until he was arrested and now Weasel was VP, and I was our third.

"They're gonna try to hit us hard," He said while running a hand through his hair. "Think it'll happen during Thanksgiving," I asked him. He shook his head, "Too many of us will be gone to see our families. We figured they would try to hit us during our New Years Bash." The New Years Bash was one of our biggest parties where the alcohol flowed, and the weed was passed freely since kids weren't in sight. This New Years will be different for me, and I was perfectly fine with that. "If we have that long, then that gives us time to prepare," I said. He nodded, "Warden wants us to strike first since they went after our own, and they hurt Iris." "When," I asked him. "After Thanksgiving," He told me. "Count me in," I told him. He shook his head, "Warden wants you and Spider here to protect the women and children. There is no promise we'll all come back so he wants to ensure the club is taken care of." The look in his eyes told me he wasn't telling me everything.

"What are you leaving out," I asked him. "We found out their numbers. They have us beat by a five to one ratio, and they out weigh us when it comes to fire power," He told me. "Then why the hell are you guys gonna on a fucking suicide mission without bringing as many as possible," I snapped at him. "You have a woman and a son now Talon, you have to think before you dive first into a fight like this," He snapped back. "Damn Weasel, we've all got someone to come home too. You've got your kid sister, Warden has his old lady, we all have someone, what makes me so damn special," I asked him, furious. "Because if shit goes south, you're President and Spider is VP!"

That hung in the air between us. I knew it was a possibility I would one day be President but that was supposed to be many years, if at all, from now. "Hit them where it hurts," A woman said we turned to see Gypsy standing there in skin tight leather pants, purple stilettos, a purple tank top, and a leather jacket. "Don't be idiots and hit them head on, in the end you'll loose. So why not hit them in their money trains?" She came further into the shop, and leaned against the wall, "From what I've heard Locked Jaw deals in drugs and women. Fuck their shit up. I've got Feds I can call that would love to shut their shit down in a heart beat. Just give me the details. Without money, they'll be pissed and become reckless. They'll come for you guys head on, but when they make their way to the compound, none of us will be there, instead you'll be at theirs making a fucking statement. Word is, Caged Beasts is a club of nothing but pussies because you haven't stuck the barrels of your guns down their throats to keep them from coming in here and fucking shit up. The cops were happy to accept Locked Jaw's money and do what they did to Iris because to them you're weak. The station can't protect the people from Locked Jaw and they knew that, so they were working with you to try and stop them. When it became clear Locked Jaw wasn't scared of you, they turned their allegiance somewhere else. You boys need to man the fuck up and show them who's boss. I know none of this is my business, after all club business is club business, but my sister got hurt because of this shit. You can't expect me to be one of those docile hangers you boys have floating around."

She then turned to me, "Do you love her?" I nodded, "I do." "Do you love Shane," She asked me next. "Yes," I replied. "Then you need to show Locked Jaw that going after your woman was the last mistake they will ever make. Don't worry about taking care of them, I'll do it. But you need to make sure that no one will ever look at them again. You fail, and I will nail your balls to the wall," She said to me. She then looked at the watch on her wrist, "I have a race to get too." We looked out the window and saw her get on the back of Spider's bike with ease despite her killer heels. "Spider always did like his women crazy," Weasel muttered. I nodded, "But she's right. We've grown soft, we need to get back the reputation we once had." He looked back to me, "Think you can slip back into the cold hearted bastard you once were and give them what they deserve?" I gave him a smirk, "This will be a new level, even for me. I now have a woman and a child I need to make sure the whole world knows you don't fuck with them." He gave me a cold smile, "Then let's get these bastards."

We told everyone our thoughts on the matter regarding us hitting Locked Jaw and they all seemed to agree. We were officially going to war. Thanksgiving we will spend every second with our loved ones then we would make our stand. We all agreed it was best to keep it quiet from the women so they don't worry. Shit was gonna hit the fan and we wanted to shield them as much as possible. If we lived through this, they will surely kill us themselves. I just pray Iris is merciful when she does.

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