Chapter 8

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Talon's POV

Today was the Halloween party and I was waiting at the compound for Iris and Shane. I had to help set up some of the things for the party, so I had to come on ahead. The party had already started and was in full swing. Spider gazed at many of the women who came dressed in skimpy costumes. For once he seemed uninterested in them. "I'm surprised you're not drooling," I taunted while nudging him with my good arm. "That's because none of that is real. I can't help but envy you man. I see you with Iris and Shane, and I can't help but want that kind of thing for myself. You got yourself a good woman, one that didn't freak out when you were shot. We've seen many who were good and still run at the first sign of trouble, or just want away from all this. Yet Iris is still here. That's one in a million right there," He said. I nodded, "Yeah she is." "So what did she say about all of this," He asked me with a gesture to our brothers. "I offered to separate my life like the others do, but she was quick to turn it down. She wants me, and my life as a whole." "And speaking of your woman and boy," Spider said with a gesture of his chin.

There she stood in a green spaghetti strap dress that flowed to her knees, mesh green tights with leaves on the sides, green ankle boots, green sparkly eyes shadow, and red lips. Her ginger hair was curled and damn was she gorgeous. She held Shane who was wearing his pumpkin costume. "I guess we should get the calamine lotion because you definitely have an itch you can't scratch," Spider said with a chuckle. I put my drink down as she walked over to us. Spider saw Connie coming over, and took Shane and his diaper bag from Iris, before walking away. Iris laughed, "I guess it's going to be a while before we see our son tonight." Our. She had started using that word when I declared him my boy, and it felt right. I pulled her to me, "You make a beautiful Poison Ivy." She smiled, "Thank you." I smiled, "I had I known I would've at least worn my Batman shirt." She laughed, "You're no Batman, but you'd make an amazing Red Hood." "Who," I asked her and her eyes widened. "That's not right at all. Red Hood also known as Jason Todd. He was the second Robin before Joker killed him with a crow bar and Raj Al Ghuul brought him back to life. He then came back to Gotham as the Red Hood, almost like a mock to the Joker because before Joker was Joker, he had been the first Red Hood. Jason Todd is an antihero who uses guns, wears this awesome leather jacket, rides a motorcycle, and has a group called the Outlaws. Weren't you the typical boy as a kid and read comics?" I chuckled at her nerdy rambling that was the biggest turn on to me, "Not really. I enjoyed playing super hero video games but not read comics." She cupped my face, "Oh my handsome biker, you need some educating." "I usually didn't listen in school, but I'll let you teach me anything you want," I told her. Her face became red and I chuckled as I kissed her cheek.

I then took her hand, "Since it's just gonna be us tonight, let's enjoy ourselves." I took her to the area that was adults only where many of people without kids were enjoying themselves with alcohol, more explicit music, and things children should never see. I made my way around with her introducing her to everyone as my woman and she really was enjoying it. Many of the women didn't seem to like her much, but the brothers respected her. My guess was the women were jealous. The women who did like her, were the old ladies, while the rest were simply hangers. The guys were enjoying sex from them, but didn't see them as old lady material. When I knew she was comfortable with everything, I will declare her as my old lady, for now simply calling her mine is where we will be. To be honest, I was okay with that.

I then lead her to the dance floor and held her close. She was short, but she fit right against me. We hadn't been this close before and it was for a reason. My cock always came to life with simple thoughts of her, and it ached when she was around. This was just hell, but it was a hell that I was enjoying every minute of.

Iris's POV

I felt an ache in my core at how close we were. His rock hard body made me feel crazy. The hardness in his jeans didn't help any. It was nice to just have this moment with each other. His family was amazing, even if the women didn't like me. I could tell which women he actually cared if they liked me or not, which made it easy to deal with. He brushed some hair from my face, "You really are beautiful." I smiled as my cheeks became a little warm. He then cupped my cheek as his head lowered. My heart slammed in my chest as I met him, his lips on mine. It was soft and sweet. I felt his tongue ask for entrance and I gladly gave it to him. The kiss was slow as we took the moment to enjoy each other, exploring each other's mouths. We only pulled away because air was a much needed thing in life.  I have been waiting so long for that, and it was well worth the wait. I giggled softly and wiped some of my lipstick from the corner of his mouth. The smile he gave me was bright and so full of joy and life. What did I do to deserve such an amazing man?

He went to kiss me again but a hand stopped him. That hand belonged to Spider. "Move the hand or you will loose it," Talon threatened, not looking away from my eyes, until Spider pulled me away. "I'm taking this," He then threw me over his shoulder. "I'm not a this," I yelled at him. "And put me down!" "Bring her back," Talon said while following after us. "I'm not gonna let you pervert her mind," Spider declared as he continued to walk with me over his shoulder. I was thankful he had a hand on the back of my thighs holding the skirt of my dress down, but this was ridiculous. "He's going to kill you," I told him. "It's well worth it," Spider said with a laugh. He dropped me down on the couch next to Connie before turning and meeting Talon. Warden threw an arm around Talon's shoulders and steer him away, much to Talon's protest. "What's that about," I asked Connie as she fed Shane. "The guys have all met you and accepted you. He's no longer seen as a bachelor so now they're gonna go mourn the loss of his bachelor hood, because it's obvious to everyone here, you're stuck with him honey," She told me. I giggled, "Yeah but we just had our first kiss since we got together, and Spider took me right after that, I don't think that's smart." She shook her head with a laugh, "Not smart at all."

When it was late I laid Shane in the bassinet in Talon's room that had been bought for him, before taking one of his shirts along with a bag of things I brought before going into the bathroom. I showered and cleaned off my make up before putting on his Batman shirt and glasses. I slipped on a pair of pajama bottoms before leaving the bathroom. I was sitting in his bed against the head board reading a book when he came back. His hair was a mess and he was smiling. "Have fun," I asked him. He chuckled, "Yeah I did." He took off his cut and draped it on his dresser. He looked down at Shane with a soft smile before turning that smile to me. "I see you came prepared," He said before sitting on the bed to take off his shoes. "I knew it was a huge possibility so I made sure I had what I would need," I told him while putting my book mark in the book. "So what did you guys do," I asked curiously. He chuckled, "What happens in Church, stays in Church." I nodded with a smile, "Fair enough." He grabbed some pajama bottoms before going into the bathroom and changing. When he came out shirtless and I saw his body I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I knew he was good looking, but his abs and tattoos had me drooling. I heard him chuckle and shot my eyes up to his. "You can look all you want, I'm not complaining," He said and my face became hot. He got in bed and pulled me towards him. "Now where were we before the idiot interrupted us," He asked before kissing me again. This one was different. It was hungrier, and just as heart stopping. When we pulled away, he rested his forehead on mine. "We better stop now, or we won't be able too," He said huskily. We were both panting and during the kiss we had moved so he was between my legs, his hard on pressed against me. "After all, we have a little one present." I nodded, unable to really speak. He gave me another kiss, this one soft and sweet before he reached over and turned off the lamp. I put my glasses on the table and snuggled in close to him, doing my best to ignore the ache between my legs. He wrapped an arm around me and kissed the top of my head. I smiled softly before going to sleep.

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