Chapter 17

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I was putting books on a shelf when strong arms wrapped around me. Talon lowered his head so his lips were by my ear, "I'm sorry Iris." "I'm not in the mood to do this at work Talon," I told him. "And Im not in the mood to let you go all day being mad at me," He said softly. "I know you're pissed I didn't tell you about last night, and I'm sorry." "Do you know what would've been your last words had something happened to you," I asked him. He was silent for a moment before sighing, "Me telling you to not worry about the laundry." I felt my eyes burn as I turned to look at him, "I get that club business is club business, but you dont realize how scared I was when I saw that you weren't home. And when Gypsy told us of the rumors she's heard from other MCs, and what she heard you and Weasel talk about, I was terrified. I get what you do is dangerous and I've accepted that. I didn't even get a single thing from you all night telling me you were okay while I was up. I only went upstairs when Shane needed me. So before you ask, no I didn't get a wink of sleep last night because I stayed up all night worried whether or not you were coming home to me. So it's going to take a lot more than a simple I'm sorry to make up for this Talon. What you and the others need to realize is that when you claim us as your women, that makes us part of the club. Sure we dont wear cuts, or bikes, or do the illegal dirty work, but what we do is a lot more important. We support you guys. We give you someone you can trust and turn too when it becomes too hard for you to handle and you need to vent. We're here every time you guys go out for a job, worried someone might not come home. You guys call each other brothers, and this and that because of the bonds and loyalty you share. But have you thought about us? I cant tell you the amount of times I've seen Connie and Holly sharing a glass of scotch as they wait for Warden and Motor to come home. Or the amount of times I've seen Tiffany watch Wilma and Turk's kids because Wilma had stayed up all night worried about him and she was trying to catch up on her sleep. We try to smile, and keep everything normal and you all walk around oblivious to it." I told him. "Last night, none of us knew a thing, and it was so terrifying and infuriating. Some of the women are getting to the point they cant handle it anymore. They're tired of just being there to take care of the kids and make it a happy home while their man doesnt realize the nights she's gone without sleep or the days shes had to act like everything is fine when in reality she wants to break down. When we get in relationships with you guys, we know from the start, you'll have to hide things, you'll have to do something the law wouldn't approve of, that we will have many sleepless nights as we worry about you guys, and that your life may come to an abrupt end. I cant tell you the amount of times I've seen one of the guys ask his woman what her problem is after she stayed up all night last night worried about him and she's a little moody due to the lack of sleep. You guys say you take care of us. Financially yes, you guys do. Mentally though you guys put a strain on us sometimes."

I cupped his cheek, "I'm not telling you this to scare you into thinking I'm leaving or anything like that. I just wanted to open your eyes and maybe help your brothers open theirs before they loose their women." I then turned away to get back to work as I wiped the tears that fell from my eyes as I had spoken to him.

Talon's POV

I went back to the compound and saw many of the guys talking outside. "Did you see Iris," Spider asked me. I nodded, "Its worse than we thought." When the others gathered around to hear how it went I told them what she told me, word for word. I had memorized every word she had said to me because it was true. Everything she had said was true. A simple I'm sorry isn't going to fix this shit.

"Man," Warden said with a sigh as he ran his hand through his hair. "Even after twenty nine years, I'm still a blind idiot." "So what do we do," Turk asked us all. "We show them we're sorry and we worship the ground they walk on and never take it for granted again," Spider said before making his way to the compound. He was right, now I just had to figure out how to properly apologize to my woman.

When Iris got home she looked dead on her feet. I pulled her to me and gave her a sweet and slow kiss. I laid her down and began to take off her clothes. "I have a nice hot bath ready for us," I told her. She smiled softly, "That sounds nice." I then removed my own clothes and took her into the bathroom. She settled between my legs, her back against my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and tucked my face in her neck, "Last night we hit their drug warehouses and cleaned out several safe houses. We have some people looking into their prostitute houses so we can save them. We didn't get caught because we had some cops who owed us favors make them keep their focus on them so we could do what we did. I know saying sorry isn't going to make up for last night, but it's where I'm starting." I placed a kiss on her shoulder and she leaned her head back against me.

"I also want to declare you as my old lady," I told her. That cause her to straighten and look at me. "A-Are you sure? Cause from what I understand, that's not something you could ever take back," She said, her insecurities coming out. I cupped her cheek and kissed her, "I'm positive. I'd never want to take it back." She then smiled brightly and nodded, "Okay, I'll be your old lady." I smiled and kissed her. She turned so she was straddling my waist and I placed my hands on her hips. "How does your knee feel," I asked her. "It feels just fine," she said. "Good," I told her before I picked her up and left the bath. She began to kiss me hungrily and I said screw the bed, and pinned her to the wall. I entered her swiftly and she arched her back as a loud moan echoed in the bathroom. I wasn't gentle as I pounded into her and she didn't care, encouraging me to keep going. She dug her nails into my shoulders, hanging on for dear life as an orgasm tears through her body, her walls clamping down hard on my cock, milking me. I kissed softly, "I'm not done with you yet woman." Her eyes widened as I carried her to the bedroom.

Hours later she rolled over, sleeping peacefully with a smile on her face. I made sure to love every inch of her body till she fell asleep. I dropped a kiss on her cheek before putting on some sweats and grabbing the monitor. Downstairs Warden and Spider were sitting at the bar, looking on their laptops. "I see one of us has managed to be let out of the dog house," Warden grumbled. "How'd you do it," Spider asked me. "Oh I'm still making up for last night, but I got out of the dog house when I told her what we did, and I asked if I could declare her as my Old Lady," I told them with a shrug. I then turned to go into the kitchen.

"Damn you looked like you were attacked by an animal," Spider said when he saw my back. I chuckled, "That's what happens you love your lady right all night long." I saw the sink was filled with dishes and Connie was finishing making lunches for kids to take with them when they leave for school in the morning. I began to unload what was in the dishwasher and I could feel her watching me. I loaded it before grabbing myself a beer out of the fridge. She kissed my cheek, "I see at least one of you has learned their lesson. Thank you Talon." "No, thank you Connie for everything you do," I said then left the kitchen. I went up to my room and saw she was curled up in the center of the bed, using both of our pillows. I smiled and placed the baby monitor on the nightstand before going into Shane's room. He was playing with a rattle and making cooing noises. He smiled when he saw me. I placed my beer on his dresser and picked him up. "Hey big guy," I said. "We're gonna have to soon go and find your mommy the best Christmas present we can find."

Shane made some noise and I chuckled softly. How the hell did I get so lucky?

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