Chapter 10

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Talon's POV

We pulled up to the compound I was shocked I didn't see Iris' car. I went in and saw Connie, and she stopped me. "Talon, sit down," she said, her voice stern and I knew something happened. A blue bag with the hospital's name sat by her feet. "Where's Iris," I asked her. Everyone was tense and quiet now. "Talon, sit," she said again. I did as she said, "Where is she?" "When you see her, I need you to promise me you dont turn around and leave to go on a man hunt," she told me. "What. Happened," I asked ready to spring to my feet.

"Earlier tonight I had received a call from the hospital to pick Iris up because they were discharging her, and the two other numbers didn't answer, which I'm guessing was you and Spider. When I saw her and asked what happened, she didn't tell me. Instead she just said she needed you. I dont know what happened, or who did it, but from the state of her clothes and her injuries, it was bad."

When she said clothes, she gestured to the bag. "She's shaken up and she's trying to keep it together, but that dam is about to burst and when she breaks, you need to catch her," she told me. Spider snatched the bag from Connie before she could stop him and he tossed it to me. I opened it and saw her shirt was torn a few spots of blood. Her bra had a lot of blood on it though. Her jeans were blood on one knee and the zipper was broken. I felt my blood boil, "Where is she?" "She's in your room," she said and I was up and out of my chair, clutching the bag tightly. I took the stairs three at a tight and practically ran down the hall.

When I got to the room, I opened the door slowly, not wanting to wake up Shane. I saw my bathroom door opened, the light on. She was standing there in my hoodie, hair wet from a shower. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw her. Harsh bruises were on both sides of her face, a cut on her right cheek, and her lip was split. On her neck was a cut that had a couple of stitches, and her left knee had a large gauze and bandage around it.

She looked at me, her eyes filling with tears. I sat down the bag slowly and opened my arms for her. She rushed into them, and clung to me, crying her heart out. Her knees gave away and I scooped her up, not caring about the protest my right arm gave me. I sat on the bed and cradled her, "What happened?" I asked her. "I-I went home after work to get some things and wh-when I got there Sawyer was waiting for me. He-He was drunk, demanding I give him Shane. Wh-When I told him no, he tried to rape me. When the cops got there, he threw me on the ground." She said as she bawled her eyes out. "I-I thought he was gonna kill me when he started to push the broken bottle into my neck."

She clutched my shirt as she cried, "I tried to fight, but he was so much bigger than me." I wanted to go on that man hunt, but there would be no point since he was in jail. "Did he touch you," I asked her. She nodded, "He put his hand in my pants and rubbed me. I washed and scrubbed but I still feel so dirty and violated."

My poor woman. Never should she feel those things. She rested her head on my shoulder. "What do you want me to do baby girl," I whispered. "I-I don't want to go home any time soon. I dont want to see the damage done to my car. I dont want to see the blood. I dont want to see Mrs. Parsons look at me with pity since I know she saw everything and was the one who called the cops." She wiped her tears away. "I just wanna stay here."

I kissed her head, "You don't even have to ask that. You're more than welcome to stay here." She nodded, "Will you hold me till I fall asleep." "I will hold you till the end of time if that's what you want from me," I told her.

She took out her contacts then took off my hoodie, showing she was wearing a pair of my boxers and tshirt. I changed then laid down with her. I ran my fingers through her hair until she fell asleep.

When I woke up Shane wasn't in the room and she was still asleep. I slipped from the bed and put my cut on over tshirt before leaving the room. Spider stood up when he saw me, "What happened to her last night?" All the brothers had their attention towards me. "Sawyer happened," I told him. "What did that fucker do," Spider seethed. "He beat her up pretty badly and tried to rape her. He managed to violate her before the cops showed up. She and Shane are gonna stay here until she feels ready to go back home," I told him. "Later you and I are gonna go to her place and get some things for them." He nodded, "Let know when."

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