Chapter 6

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"Who are you young man?" A fierceful voice boomed throughout the flat.

Jungkook got up immediately from his place. Stunned, he whispered with his eyes blown
"Mom?!......Mom he is my friend! " Jungkook said  firmly, walking towards them. Mrs. Jeon eyed Taehyung carefully on Jungkook's statement. His mother always despised people Jungkook hungout with. She didn't like Jungkook being friends with people, she always wanted him to be focused on one thing and that was - business.

Taehyung was getting conscious under her scrutinizing gaze , staring down and hands still on half closed door.

"What do you do boy?" She asked, voice impolite and rude.

"Taehyung" he said with a bit of confidence, not liking her tone a bit.
"I work for Jeon corporations."

On hearing Taehyung's words, Mrs. Jeon straight up snapped her attention towards Jungkook. " I never knew you have a thing for calling up employees at home.  And what for?" She asked accusingly.

Taehyung was disgusted by her tone, by her choice of words. How could a mother be so rude to her children? How could she be a mother?

Jungkook was about to snap back when she interrupted " Actually I don't care . Do what you like kid. Bring a man, a woman , employee or a whore, do as you please."

Jungkook's blood was running thin. He knew she could only speak nasty things . The reason why he never wanted Taehyung to meet his mom.

Taehyung was flabbergasted on hearing it. Jungkook's mom was degrading them both not even knowing the truth. She had no right to judge without even knowing the truth. He stood their eyes wide, mouth agape.

Jungkook held her mom by her arms and took her to the bedroom at the right corner of the living room. He didn't want Taehyung to witness her cheap talks. Taehyung didn't deserve any of it.

The atmosphere was already tensed. Taehyung slowly went back to watch his show but with his mind somewhere else. He just stared at the screen, trying to get hold of what just Mrs. Jeon spat.

Meanwhile in the bedroom Jungkook sat on the bed, elbow on his knees and hands grabbing his hair frustratingly.

His mom stood with her hands on her hips and a scornful expression.

"You left our house so that you could bring people at your place?"

Jungkook sat still. Patience already running thin. He didn't want to lash out at her like he did it in the past. A mistake, a huge mistake which he regretted until now.

"Listen Jungkook, now that you are at a responsible position in your life these debauchery acts are not gonna do good to us. You already once ruined our reputation, this time we cannot afford that. We cannot pay for your shit " She spat. Mrs. Jeon was never soft on words nor on emotions.

Taehyung unwillingly could here her. He was confused but yet felt bad for Jungkook. His mom was thick-skinned not like Taehyung's mom, soft and loving. She never yelled at anyone. She was gentle, so gentle and caring for him .

"Your father suffered from cardiac arrest  because of you brat. Did you forget ? Did you forget what you did that night? " At this point she was yelling out loud with no care in the world, with no care about how badly she was hurting Jungkook.

"How ungrateful are you son. We accepted you even when you nearly killed a person. A drug addict. We accepted a rogue. If only we had  another child, we would have cared less about you."

"It would have been better if you were killed by those rogues ."

A tear slipped from Jungkook's cheeks, face down grabbing his hair roughly. It was getting hard to breathe. The air was tense. He wanted to just run away but he couldn't. He was stuck.

Taehyung visibly winced at her words. Wanting to just slam the door open and stop it. Stop the suffering for Jungkook. He could feel his pain. Spending so much time with each other Jungkook never told him about his self. He was feeling ashamed of himself. He should have asked. He should have let him set his mind free. He should have been there for him like Jungkook was there for him. So foolish was he.

Taehyung knew this was not a complete story. Jungkook was not the person she just described. The Jungkook he spent time with was a good human being. Humble, Loving, caring and considerate.

" You never fail to stress me son. Congrats you did it again. I just came here to tell you, be back at home. Journalists are back at it again. They are searching for a tabloid news about us. We have to stay normal. Get hold of yourself." And she left, eyeing stiff Taehyung one last time.

Taehyung stared at the bedroom door still open. He slowly stepped towards the bedroom only to see Jungkook's hunched back.

Taehyung went up to him . Hand raising, stroking Jungkook's hair lightly. Taehyung all of a sudden felt arms around his waist - Jungkook's face buried onto his stomach. Taehyung breathed deeply, stroking Jungkook's hair gently. Jungkook bursted out in tears. He cried hard on to his stomach with no care of being opened and vulnerable. A person who was always there for him, now was crying his heart out.  A person who stood strong was now crumbling down. Taehyung cried silently feeling helpless. Feeling truly helpless for him.


Taehyung stared at the grey wall with hands stroking Jungkook's soft locks who was deep asleep on his lap with tear stained cheeks. That very moment Taehyung decided to be strong for Jungkook. Be there for him always. Be his helping hand, lend his shoulder to cry on. Be his remedy.

He glanced at his lap, a small smile on his lips, caressing Jungkook's cheeks.

I'll be there for you Jungkook
You don't have to call me
I'll always be there beside you
Every step that you take I would take it with you
Even if it leads to no good
Even if the path is full of misery and dread
You will never walk alone
I promise


"I decided to teach you piano." Jungkook said sitting in his office cabin. They were having a coffee break to refresh themselves because apparently they had shit tonne of work to do.

"Really?!" " Do you think I can learn it now?" Taehyung asked, sipping on his Americano with a questioning look on his face.

" You are not in your late 90s Tae." Jungkook said dismissing his questioning look with a chuckle.

Taehyung smiled inwardly at the nick name. His mom called him Tae.

"Okayyyy... When does my tutorial start Sir?!" Taehyung asked mockingly.

" Good that you are using honorifics kid. I love respecting students. And your class starts this weekend. Your teacher has shit tonne of work to do." Jungkook played along with a glint of mischief in his voice, closing his eyes at his last statement, breathing dramatically.

"Sir you shouldn't swear in front of your student. That's a bad impression that you are giving." Taehyung giggled, straw still in his mouth.

Jungkook opened his eyes immediately on Taehyung's statement "Shit is a general statement Tae . Don't generalize my way-to-go word as a swear word. How can I live without it?" He said dramatically, clutching his chest, making both laugh hysterically.

Happiness. Contentment. They got both when they are together .

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