Chapter 30

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"Don't come in, my child. Run away. Don't come to me, save yourself. Go away, run away from here."

The boy stood frozen as if somebody casted a spell on him, he wanted to run away but his legs gave up on reacting to any of his instinct. The sweat dripping from his nape indicated utter fear for the man inside the kitchen hall. The boy gripped his corner of the shirt tightly, turning his knuckles white, he was flabbergasted by fear.

"That bastard son of yours. Don't worry he'll suffer with you. Both of you have been a nuisance to me. You always tryna protect that rascal ha, today he'll face my wrath. Let him have his fair share of abuse. You both deserve it."

" Don't come in. Run away my child. Your mom loves you dear. Please don't come in. I'll be fine don't come in." The women screeched at the top of her lungs. The air gushing out from the door was insanely hot as if the place was under fire. The kid stood out, legs shaking tremendously and whole body sweating, he thought he couldn't breathe for a moment from the fumes erupting from the kitchen, blurring his vision. He was scared shitless, he wanted to go in but his legs wouldn't move. He knew if he moves his leg he was going to fall on his knees instead. Tears rolled down uncontrollably, he was shaking with fear.

"Na na na . He won't be saved this time. He'll also suffer with you. He'll be punished to be your son, you'll get what you deserve whore. Go have another man down in hell."

"I'm telling you again. I didn't cheat on you. You misunderstood me...." A loud shattering noise of glass bottle boomed across the room followed by a loud screech of a woman, stunning the kid.

"Wake up you bastard. I didn't have my breakfast yet because of you. I'm taking yours. Wake up. You are not escaping me." A familiar voice yelled outside Taehyung's room accompanied by loud banging on the door.

Taehyung woke up with sweat dripping from his forehead, eyes blown wide as if the nightmare was actually a reality. He ran into the bathroom, fumbling with the shower tap. As soon as the cold water hit him on his skin, Taehyung audibly sighed in relief. Bits of nightmare were still scripted on his conscious mind, as if that was all part of his memory - Lost memory.

He showered longer than his usual time, he was busy organizing his thoughts when he almost forgot that someone was banging on his door.
Taehyung immediately pulled whatever clothes he had, opening the door with a force. And as soon as he opened the door, a hand yanked his body forward, not giving any time to register the situation.

"Where were you asshole? I was banging my hands out, you dare to ignore me? Don't worry you'll be punished for it. Enjoy being starved kid." Renee dragged him to the dining hall and Taehyung followed her quietly.

The breakfast time passed as it was decided, not by Taehyung but by Renee. The man that came yesterday, didn't come today for Taehyung's rescue, not like he expected someone to rescue him - after all he was made to accept situations, harassments, bullies, abuse. So it didn't matter.

Thankfully, Taehyung was called up by Dr.Jung as per his treatment schedule so the lunch was decided at his cabin itself and Taehyung need not stay hungry like Renee said.

Taehyung just listened to Dr.Jung, he didn't talk about himself at all. Taehyung wanted to recover as soon as possible but sharing about himself was always a barrier for him. It was the only thing that Taehyung doubted about his recovery. Dr. Jung didn't force Taehyung to talk about himself either. He made it clear for the very first day that he can talk when he feels like and that he need not feel pressured to share about himself. Taehyung was grateful for it and on top of it, the doctor never behaved as if was a patient to be treated. Dr.Jung behaved as if he was Taehyung's friend. He talked about his life, how he happened to choose the career, how he helped others struggling and such.

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